Home » not even foreign doctors want to work in Italy anymore

not even foreign doctors want to work in Italy anymore

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not even foreign doctors want to work in Italy anymore

The healthcare system in Italy is facing a crisis as doctors and nurses, both Italian and foreign-born, are leaving the country in search of better opportunities elsewhere. The lack of competitive pay and working conditions, coupled with issues of integration and citizenship, are driving many healthcare professionals to seek employment in other European countries where they can live more peacefully.

The exodus of healthcare workers has forced Italian hospitals to recruit foreign staff on a temporary basis to fill the gaps left by departing professionals. The situation has become so dire that even extraordinary tenders and recruitment drives by Italian regions have failed to attract enough candidates to meet the demand for medical personnel.

The use of temporary contracts and foreign staff has become a band-aid solution to a structural problem in the Italian healthcare system. While these measures have helped to alleviate some of the immediate staffing shortages, they do not address the underlying issues of low pay, lack of job security, and limited opportunities for career advancement.

The departure of healthcare workers, both Italian and foreign, is creating a vicious cycle of shortages and dependence on temporary hires that is unsustainable in the long run. Without meaningful reforms to address the root causes of the healthcare crisis in Italy, the country risks losing a generation of skilled professionals and compromising the quality of its public health system.

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