Home » A new strain of flu arrives, the peak expected in April

A new strain of flu arrives, the peak expected in April

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A new strain of flu arrives, the peak expected in April

And new influenza virus is appearing in our country. The seasonal flu has already affected several million Italians. Generally in March and April it is the Italians who put Italians to bed parainfluenza virus of the gastroenteritis.

New influenza virus: what are the symptoms?

Generally type B influenza it affects children, adolescents and the elderly. The symptoms are typical of any type of flu:

fever, including high fever, cough, sore throat, joint and muscle pain, widespread tiredness, runny nose, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.

Can there be complications?

Also with regards to complications I am very similar to those of group A. The most fragile people can deal with

How is the new flu virus treated?

As it always is absolutely useless to take antibiotics. Being a virus it does not respond to this class of drugs. We always remember that taking antibiotics when not needed increases the risk of developing the very dangerous disease antibiotic resistancewhich is indicated by the WHO as among the most serious threats to human health. Antibiotics should be taken only after the doctor has established with the use of a swab that it is a bacterial superinfection.

When to contact your GP?

Often the symptoms they take up to ten days to disappear completely, especially if they are not particularly aggressive. Generally over-the-counter medications are sufficientas antipyretics, if you have a fever or anti-inflammatories.

If the fever lasts more than three days it is best to consult your GP. Even when it hits elderly or frail people you need to contact your doctor to start the right therapy immediately. The Flu vaccine also protects against the B strain, as well as the A strains.

What to eat and drink during type B flu?

Nutrition can be of great help. Often also affecting the stomach and intestines, better to choose light foods and small portions. If the child is not hungry, there is no need to push him.

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However, we must be very careful about hydration, especially in the presence of diarrhea. The advice of the experts is to drink in small sips and also take vitamins and mineral salts for correct rehydration.

SOURCE: Influnet

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