Home » Dani Alves commits suicide in prison, just a hoax, Barcelona legend’s family furious

Dani Alves commits suicide in prison, just a hoax, Barcelona legend’s family furious

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Dani Alves commits suicide in prison, just a hoax, Barcelona legend’s family furious


The family of Barcelona legend, Dani Alves, is furious because a hoax is spreading that he committed suicide in prison.

BOLASPORT.COM – The family of Barcelona legend, Dani Alves, is furious because a hoax is spreading that he committed suicide in prison.

Bad luck befell former Brazilian national team defender, Dani Alves.

On Thursday (22/2/2024), he was found guilty of rape in December 2022.

Alves was found guilty by the High Court of Catalonia and sentenced to 4 years and six months in prison.

The sentence was handed down after the former Sevilla defender was proven to have sexually assaulted a woman in a nightclub.

Alves himself has been arrested since January 2023 and has served pre-trial detention for more than a year.

The 40 year old man has reportedly tried various things to achieve peace.

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However, Alves’ attempt was rejected by the court.

The sentence received by the former Barcelona and Juventus player was actually lower than the prosecutor’s demand.




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