Home » Current Affairs (March 12, 2024) A large number of people protested against the arrest of Tibetans in India; is China’s national security law “revealing”? Millions of people were punished last year; Nongfu Spring “starred in the anti-Japanese drama”, was the official stock responsible?Yu Maochun responded to Wang Yi: The CCP makes people anxious – VOA Chinese

Current Affairs (March 12, 2024) A large number of people protested against the arrest of Tibetans in India; is China’s national security law “revealing”? Millions of people were punished last year; Nongfu Spring “starred in the anti-Japanese drama”, was the official stock responsible?Yu Maochun responded to Wang Yi: The CCP makes people anxious – VOA Chinese

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On March 12, 2024, a large number of people took to the streets to protest against the arrest of Tibetans in India, sparking concerns about China’s national security law. The protests, which saw millions of people participating, highlighted the ongoing tensions between China and Tibet.

One company that came under scrutiny during the protests was Nongfu Spring, which was accused of being involved in an “Anti-Japanese Divine Drama”. Many questioned whether the company’s official stock was responsible for the controversial production.

In response to the protests and the escalating tensions, Yu Maochun criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), stating that their actions were making people anxious. This comes as China’s two sessions continue to discuss a range of issues, including the arrest and prosecution of over 2.4 million people on national security grounds last year.

The news of these protests and the government’s crackdown on dissent has reverberated around the world, with international media outlets such as Voice of America Chinese, Radio France Internationale, and Radio Free Asia all covering the developments. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how China will respond to the growing unrest and calls for justice for Tibetans in India.

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