Home » “Solidarity fund”, the new item that Apross will charge its members: what it is about

“Solidarity fund”, the new item that Apross will charge its members: what it is about

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“Solidarity fund”, the new item that Apross will charge its members: what it is about

FOSAET is the acronym for “Solidarity Care Fund for Emerging Diseases and Technological Innovation” created by the board of the Provincial Social Security Administration (Apross), which will begin to be deducted from the salaries of state employees and retirees affiliated with the organization.

Due to the inconveniences of economic support of the provincial social work, its authorities resolved to create this item to address the costs of “emerging diseases, prolonged treatments, innovative practices and technologies.”

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“The economic and financial situation prevailing in the country in recent years has notably affected the entire public and private health scheme, which is public and well-known, notably influencing the constant increase in the costs of health coverage. with the consequent gap with respect to the income of the sector,” says resolution 44.

The FOSAET item that each affiliate will observe from their salary receipts will represent, for now, a discount of $4,772. However, this amount “may be reviewed monthly or with the periodicity that the Board of Directors determines.”

Apross assures that “the calculations carried out by the relevant areas” to address the constant updates of various benefits, equipment and services, yielded a total monthly amount of $11,930, so The affiliate is charged 40% of that total considering “the delicate economic situation.”

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