Home » updated wall voting; Who’s leaving today, the 12th?

updated wall voting; Who’s leaving today, the 12th?

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updated wall voting;  Who’s leaving today, the 12th?

BBB 24: CHECK OUT Who left today (12/03)? See who was eliminated from this wall

Participants Yasmin, Lucas and Isabelle were chosen for the spotlight of the week on BBB 24. The brother or sister with the most votes will be eliminated by the public until the night of this Tuesday, March 12th (12/03), through the Gshow. See below the updated vote from today’s Uol poll, Tuesday (12/03).

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Lucas Henrique was automatically sent to Paredão after being the first to emerge in the Leader Test. Then, Yasmin, who could not be immunized, was put in the spotlight by Beatriz’s leadership.

Isabelle was chosen by Pitel, a sister who was in Mira do Líder and ended up immunized, while Matteus, the most voted in the house, escaped elimination with Bate e Volta.

Check out who should leave the most watched house in Brazil.

BBB 24 poll: updated vote from the Uol poll

The poll made available by the Uol portal, with more than 800 thousand votes, points to the Yasmin Brunet’s departure on BBB 24, reaching 82,73%. In second place, Lucas Henrique e Isabelle escape elimination with 12,8% e 4,47% of votes, respectively.

  • Yasmin Brunet – 82,73%
  • Lucas Henrique – 12.8%
  • Isabelle – 4,47%

BBB 24 poll: updated vote from the O POVO poll

The BBB 24 poll carried out by the portal THE PEOPLE maintains the position of Yasmin Brunet as the next eliminated do reality, com 70,62%. In sequence, Lucas Henrique it presents 23% e Isabelle, 6,38%.

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Paredão BBB 24 poll – who comes out: Isabelle, Lucas or Yasmin? VOTE

BBB 24: how was Paredão formed?

Yasmin, due to leaving the Leader’s Test, could not receive any immunization. Lucas Henrique, for the same reason, was already on Paredão.

The wall began with two immunizations: Lucas Henrique, already walled in, could not escape the spotlight. As a result, the autoimmune effect that the Angel Test would give to the winner did not occur, and the dispute only gave him the possibility of preventing someone from being sent to the hot seat. He nominated Leidy Elin.

Despite this, the professor won the Joker Power. This week, the “Absurd Power” gave the right to immunize one of the people “in the leader’s sights”. He opted for Pitel.

Leader Beatriz had a recommendation. She put Yasmin on the wall.

After that, the house began its vote. Each participant went to the Confessional and indicated your preference. See who voted for who:

BBB 24: who in the house voted for who

  • Bin Laden voted for Matteus;
  • Yasmin voted for Matteus;
  • Davi voted for MC Bin Laden;
  • Fernanda voted for Matteus;
  • Leidy Elin voted for Davi;
  • Alane voted for MC Bin Laden;
  • Pitel voted for Matteus;
  • Giovanna voted for Matteus;
  • Isabelle voted for MC Bin Laden;
  • Matteus voted for MC Bin Laden;
  • Raquel voted for Matteus;
  • Lucas Henrique voted for Alane.

The one with the most votes by the house would go to Paredão. Matteus had 6 votes and it was the indication.

Finally, the immunized person who was “in the crosshairs” had right to place a person on the Wall. Pitel nominated Isabelle.

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Round trip test: as always, the person nominated by the leader cannot compete in the Round Trip. In the dispute, the winner escapes from Paredão.

The test was random: each participant had to choose, in each turn, a numbered cabinet. If they found a poster with the cleaner on it, they could remove a dirt sticker. Whoever removed the six stickers first would escape Berlinda. Matteus did better and escaped.

As a result, the public’s choice was between Isabelle, Lucas Henrique and Yasmin. This week, the vote is to leave.

Paredão BBB 24 poll: discover the new poll and see how to vote on GShow

The new edition of BBB 24 has a new voting system, which will be divided into two alternatives: the Fan Vote and the Single Vote.

Validation of votes in Gshow’s mixed system occurs through the individual’s registration with a Globo account. In the first option, the Fan Vote, the process remains the same, while the real change is to the Single Vote, with just one choice and request for the user’s CPF.

Understand how register and participate in voting for BBB 24.

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Paredão BBB 24 poll: registration with the Globo account

For users who already have a Globo account registration, simply CLICK HERE and access the login page. Another possibility is to use Google or Facebook to enter.

For those who registered for the first time, a confirmation email will be sent to complete the process and activate their account. You will then be asked for your phone number to proceed with validation.

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Other data can be provided, such as CPF, before the user can vote on BBB 24.

BBB 24 poll: minors vote?

Minors between 8 and 16 years old must indicate a guardian to authorize the process for their Globo account. According to Gshow, the procedure is part of compliance with the General Data Protection Law (Law nº 13,709/2018).

Paredão BBB 24 poll: how does each vote work?

Each voting process (Fan Vote and Single Vote) will have 50% weight each in the final result.

Check out how votes work below.

Fan Vote

Voto da Fans maintains the original format of previous editions, with the chance for users to vote as many times as they want, after logging into their Globo account.

Single Vote

As the name suggests, the user will only vote once and must enter their CPF number to validate the vote.

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bbb enquete bbb enquete bbb uol yasmin bbb 24 lucas henrique bbb 24 isabelle bbb 24

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