Home » Many fear them but these 2 antioxidant foods can help protect the heart and stimulate the brain

Many fear them but these 2 antioxidant foods can help protect the heart and stimulate the brain

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The hectic lifestyle and the daily races between home, school, work and office do not always allow us to savor the flavors of the table. Indeed, sometimes we bite into the first things we find in the fridge, combining foods that end up slowing down digestion and making us feel bloated.

What’s more, the nutrients of some foods combined with others can raise blood sugar. That is why it is very important to know what you are eating, to feel fit and not weighed down.

In particular, adequately combining foods with each other avoids glycemic loads within a single meal, allowing you to avoid, over time, an increase in the waistline. It also helps digestion, activates the metabolism and satisfies the body’s need for vitamins and minerals. In any case, combining the right ingredients, as well as being an advantage for the body, is certainly a pleasure for the palate as well. However, it is not always easy to recognize the beneficial effects of some foods. In fact, many fear them but these 2 antioxidant foods can help protect the heart and stimulate the brain.

Chocolate and coffee

That chocolate has incredible beneficial effects, if taken in the right quantities, is an irrefutable fact. Indeed, according to some studies, eating chocolate at a certain time can have incredible effects on diet and blood sugar.

Thanks to cocoa, chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is one of the richest sources of flavonoids, very important antioxidants that counteract cellular aging. Indeed, according to some studies, it can have incredible effects on vision and prevent cataracts. Furthermore, the authoritative Veronesi Foundation on the basis of extensive scientific research describes the effects of chocolate on cardiovascular health.

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Even coffee, without which it is difficult for many to start the day, has multiple positive effects on the body. Indeed, according to science, its beneficial effects can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and even cancers.

Its tonic effects can also be felt on the heart and cognitive functions, as they improve memory and reasoning skills. It too is rich in antioxidants and stimulates the nervous system. In the absence of pathologies or particular conditions, such as pregnancy, you can drink up to 4-5 cups a day. Obviously, if you take other sources of caffeine, such as chocolate or tea, the number of coffees per day will have to decrease.

Many fear them but these 2 antioxidant foods can help protect the heart and stimulate the brain

Therefore, we could combine, perhaps for breakfast, a square of dark chocolate with our cup of coffee. In fact, in addition to creating incredibly delicious flavors for the palate, these two foods are also a concentrate of antioxidants, very important for our health. The latter, in fact, activate blood circulation, improve attention and concentration levels and counteract cellular aging. Therefore this union of flavors is a perfect marriage for the pleasure of the palate and, without exaggerating, also for the well-being of the body and mind.


Keep cholesterol at bay and lower triglycerides with this recipe for the heart

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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