Home » Urgent Call for Action: European Parliament Urges Commission to Deliver on Animal Welfare Commitments

Urgent Call for Action: European Parliament Urges Commission to Deliver on Animal Welfare Commitments

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Urgent Call for Action: European Parliament Urges Commission to Deliver on Animal Welfare Commitments

The failure to submit legislative proposals on animal welfare by the European Commission has sparked concern among members of the European Parliament, who are questioning the credibility of the European institutions. During a recent plenary session in Brussels, MPs urgently called on the European Commission to fulfill its commitments on animal welfare, highlighting the impact of delays on the suffering of millions of animals across Europe. Criticism of the previous management’s inaction on animal welfare is strong, with MPs calling for concrete measures to end animal suffering and ensure a more ethical future for all animals in Europe. The European Commission is urged to respond effectively to the demands of EU citizens and present a timetable for legislative action on animal welfare. Citizen initiatives are seen as crucial tools for democracy, but the lack of response from policymakers threatens their effectiveness. It is now up to the European Commission to take decisive action and address the urgent needs of animal welfare in Europe.

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