Home » Eredità Agnelli, John Elkann’s lawyers: his privacy was violated with a drone, we are suing the Rai Vespa crew

Eredità Agnelli, John Elkann’s lawyers: his privacy was violated with a drone, we are suing the Rai Vespa crew

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Eredità Agnelli, John Elkann’s lawyers: his privacy was violated with a drone, we are suing the Rai Vespa crew

Milan. John Elkann will sue the Rai crew for illegal interference in his private life through the use of drones. His lawyers, Paolo Siniscalchi, Federico Cecconi and Carlo Re, announced this in a note. The lawyers also acquired the mandate from the Elkann brothers to take action against articles and services that are untrue and harmful to their reputation. “In recent days, a television crew occupied a private space in John Elkann’s private home in Turin to take video footage using a drone,” the note states. «As subsequently emerged, the filming was carried out for the Porta a Porta broadcast».

The lawyers then warn the Vespa broadcast against using the filmed material: «In the face of this unjustifiable intrusion into the private life of our client, moreover carried out by state TV, and to protect his and his family’s privacy which also includes three minors, today we announce a lawsuit against all those responsible, warning the Porta a Porta editorial staff from repeating similar behaviors, as well as from using any image thus obtained in any way.”

«Furthermore – continue Elkann’s lawyers – given the continuation of the current climate of media aggression which goes beyond the boundaries of the right of reporting and criticism, John, Lapo and Ginevra Elkann have given us the mandate to protect their reputation through appropriate judicial initiatives, warning anyone from the dissemination of untrue and defamatory articles and press reports”.

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