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“Save with the energy transition and obtain environmentally friendly electricity”

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“Save with the energy transition and obtain environmentally friendly electricity”

Jürgen Hutsteiner is well known in the region. In his day job as an egg farmer, he has long since mutated into an “energy farmer” with the large photovoltaic system on the roof of his farmhouse on the northern edge of Steyr. Securing the environment for his children is his main motivation for consistently promoting the energy transition: “The basic idea should be to advance it, but not necessarily just cheap electricity.”

However, it is neither forbidden nor impossible to make money with it. “I want to prove that you can actually save money with the energy transition and at the same time get environmentally friendly electricity,” says Hutsteiner. His original plan to create a renewable energy community (EEG) Steyr-Süd cannot currently be realized. This already exists in Steyr-Nord with the EEG Dietach environment.

Hutsteiner has therefore joined the Ansfelden Citizens’ Energy Association (BEG). Club members include farmers with large roof areas who feed in excess photovoltaic energy, but also homeowners with small PV systems and the operator of a small hydroelectric power plant.

“We lacked wind and water in Steyr to become self-sufficient,” says Hutsteiner, “but this BEG currently works with 100 percent of its own electricity and is allowed to supply its electricity across the border of substations.”

The BEG tariff is currently 13.5 cents without VAT per kilowatt hour, and those who feed in receive eleven cents. Incidentally, in Steyr-Nord the producers also receive eleven cents and due to the network savings – at BEG Ansfelden there is a network fee – the consumer only pays eleven to twelve cents.

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Democratized energy transition

“As a rule, this is cheaper than with other operators,” says Hutsteiner, “it shows that the energy transition can be democratized in this way: citizens have an advantage because they are currently even saving costs.” It is the combination of producers who provide environmentally friendly electricity and consumers who buy regionally and also want to do something for the environment.

Infos: www.ew-ansfelden.at; www.eeg-dietach.at


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