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Kidneys, eight golden rules

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Kidneys, eight golden rules

World Kidney Day is set to be celebrated tomorrow with a focus on raising awareness about kidney health and preventing chronic kidney disease. The day will see various initiatives across Italy, organized by the Italian Society of Nephrology (Sin) and the Italian Kidney Foundation (Fir), including free screenings, information points, prevention in schools, illuminated monuments, and a live social event on Facebook.

Chronic kidney disease is often referred to as a “silent” pathology because it may not present obvious symptoms until it has progressed to a severe stage. This makes early detection challenging and can lead to serious health complications. Nephrologists recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent kidney disease, including daily walks, a low-fat diet, monitoring blood sugar and blood pressure, staying hydrated, regular check-ups, avoiding smoking, and limiting the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

In Italy, over four million people suffer from chronic kidney disease, with approximately 100 thousand requiring life-saving therapies. Additionally, 45 thousand are on dialysis, and 28 thousand have undergone kidney transplants. Globally, chronic kidney disease affects more than 850 million people and caused over 3.1 million deaths in 2019.

Fortunately, advancements in medical treatments have provided hope for those with kidney disease. Massimo Morosetti, president of the Italian Kidney Foundation, states that with the right interventions, many patients can avoid the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant. Both the Sin and Fir are committed to raising awareness about chronic kidney disease and its impact on individuals and healthcare systems.

World Kidney Day serves as a reminder of the importance of kidney health and the significance of early detection and prevention strategies to combat this widespread disease. Let us all take steps to prioritize our kidney health and support those affected by chronic kidney disease.

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