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“Never forget victims and sacrifice of healthcare workers”

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Press release no. 15
Press release date 18 March 2024

Covid, Schillaci: “Never forget victims and sacrifice of healthcare workers”

“Today we remember the people who lost their lives due to Covid. A memory that does not end on this day but we carry with us every day so that we do not forget those who died due to the virus and the suffering of their families. And let’s not forget that among the victims of the pandemic there were also healthcare workers. We will never thank enough doctors, nurses, social and health workers, pharmacists and volunteers who fought against the virus and assisted and cared for the sick to the point of exhaustion. The images of the trucks in Bergamo carrying coffins have left an indelible mark and are a continuous warning and spur in the activities in which we are involved.” This is what Minister Schillaci declared on the occasion of the fourth national day in memory of the victims of the coronavirus epidemic.

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