Home » Magical sunrise in Las Grutas, peace returns to the beach and the most beautiful images

Magical sunrise in Las Grutas, peace returns to the beach and the most beautiful images

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Magical sunrise in Las Grutas, peace returns to the beach and the most beautiful images

Summer says goodbye and with it, the tumult on the beaches. There are no longer shouts of “churros, halados, donas,” nor can we hear the loud music of the inns. For Maximiliano Cartes Salas, as for many of those who live by the sea, it is a time of calm. The month when he has the most work has passed, now, there is a little time to go out to filmr, to enjoy and contemplate the landscapes of Las Grutas and San Antonio, their place in the world.

«For me it is the best time of the year. From November to February I was working full time, I couldn’t go out much to film and now it’s down to season, so I’m coming back. The youth began their studies, some older people come there and on weekends you see quite a few people. It’s very nice. “You can enjoy the sunrises and sunsets 100% and also the night photography,” he says.

He had gone out with Malón, his dog, and was walking through the center. She said that many businesses are still open. «The time is coming to enjoy sunrises and all the fauna afterwards, with all due respect I always like to film them. There are many birds, as there is not so much activity on the coasts. I was talking to a friend, we saw some penguins. The important thing is that they don’t bother them,” he says.

Malón, from the waterfront, looked at the beach, but did not go down. Maxi, as always remember that it is not allowed to go down to the beach with animals, from 0 to the Seventh descent. And it invites you to enjoy autumn in Las Grutas, a time without swimming but with a lot to do. These days, they are preparing for the long Easter weekend.

Holy Week in Las Grutas and San Antonio

In Las Grutas, the “Feria Sabores” proposal is an initiative that exposes the gastronomic identity of the region, based on seafood from Puerto del Este. which will take place on Paseo de Las Torres on the 29th, 31st and 31st with live cooking, music and regional entrepreneurs based in the Rio Negro agency Crear.

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In San Antonio Este the National Festival of the 5 Hours of Pejerrey will take place organized by the San Antonio Nautical Club. The sport will also have a special chapter with the arrival of the “Las Grutas Challenge”, the cross-country MTB competition that totals 75 kilometers of route in a circuit inside and outside the city on Saturday the 30th at 10:30 with a starting point. departure on the 7th descent.

Maximiliano is an image hunter and lives passionately about this hobby that he discovered by chance. Many of the videos that he records with the drone in Las Grutas went viral and he shares them on his Instagram: @maximilianofcartes.

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