Home » Landy Torres is the third best positioned Colorado nationally in positive image among politicians

Landy Torres is the third best positioned Colorado nationally in positive image among politicians

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Landy Torres is the third best positioned Colorado nationally in positive image among politicians

The survey was carried out between March 5 and 10, 2024.

A public opinion consultation carried out by Survey Paraguay CB Consultora indicates that after Santiago Peña and Horacio Cartes, the best positioned Colorado nationally is the governor of Alto Paraná, César “Landy” Torres.

The survey to determine the positive image among Paraguayan politicians was carried out in the period from March 5 to 10 of this year, in a sample of 1,154 cases.

In the ranking, among the Colorado politicians, Santiago Peña appears first, Horacio Cartes in second place and Landy Torres in third, at the national level.

Likewise, the popular consultation asked about the image of the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, where the majority, 48.5% of those surveyed, responded that it is positive, against 45.3% negative.

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