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03/21/2024 – One cutting-edge technology for the eye surgery all’Borgotaro hospital. In fact, for a few days it has been in operation at the “Santa Maria”. latest generation optical biometer. It’s about a diagnostic instrumentation which allows you to measure with great precision and accuracy the length of the eyeball and other structures of the eye, while ensuring the maximum speed in execution of the exam and, consequently, less discomfort for the patient. After taking these measurements, the biometer applies a series of mathematical formulas to indicate the appropriate value of the artificial lensthat the ophthalmologist surgeon will subsequently insert inside the eye, after thecataract removal.

“This tool – explains Salvatore Antonio Tedescodirector of the simple inter-company departmental structure of Territorial Ophthalmology – it is currently the best performing tool on the market as regards pre-operative diagnostics. It is a very high level technology, which not only guarantees maximum precision but – continues – offers high diagnostic standards for various eye diseases. I think – concluded Tedesco – that it is important to underline how much this equipment represents a real leap in quality which, together with the reorganization of the spaces and adequate logistical planning, will allow us to strengthen a highly specialized surgical offer in a local hospital such as that of Borgotaro.”

The purchase of the optical biometer, with a total cost of approximately 90 thousand eurosit was possible thanks to funding received with the PNRR and dedicated to redevelopment of specialist clinics of the Valtarese structure. But the new diagnostic instrumentation is not the only investment regarding eye surgery; in the premises of operating sector of the “Santa Maria” are in fact also in operation four new ophthalmology chairs . In this way, those who undergo cataract surgery will have access to a more comfortable and welcoming location in a dedicated spaceThat it will also improve the work of professionals in the phases of preparation for surgery and post-operative monitoring.

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Eye surgery at the Borgotaro hospital has resumed activity, after the summer break, from November 2023 thanks to the collaboration between Salvatore Antonio Tedesco, a professional at the Maggiore hospital in Parma and the anesthesiologists, nurses and instrumentalists of the Santa Maria hospital and of the Valli Taro and Ceno district of the ASL and has already had significant positive feedback from citizens. With approximately 12 scheduled interventions per week, the objective is to exceed the performance volume recorded in 2022, together with the diversification of the services available also in relation to the new acquisitions of technological and professional resources underway.

Per access the service you need a request from the ophthalmologist diagnosed with cataracts and call the number 0525.970375 from Monday to Friday from 10 to 12 or contact the one-stop shop/CUP.

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