Home » Here is who is the engineer from Udine on the front line against the Green pass

Here is who is the engineer from Udine on the front line against the Green pass

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UDINE. The Udine engineer Ugo Rossi is known, in the Friulian capital as in Trieste, as an animator of neighborhood environmental committees and struggles to which the pandemic has given a new mission: the fight against masks, “vaccination obligations” and now the Green Pass.

It is following these ideas that, under the umbrella of the 3V Movement, Rossi decided to make the big deal in the regional capital, aiming for the mayor’s seat.

Born in 1991, Rossi grew up between Friuli and Tuscany (part of the family is from Grosseto): he studied in Udine, graduating in civil and environmental engineering. He defines himself as an “eco engineer” and is the president of the social promotion association “Hemp Revolution”. In recent years, the young Rossi had carved out a role for himself in Udine’s civil society, mobilizing committees of citizens for neighborhood reasons, such as the redevelopment of the ruin of an old steel mill, or the care of green mobility in the neighborhood near the hospital.

Over time he got closer to the 5 Star Movement, eventually ending up being pushed away due to his propensity for extreme positions. The same happened later, when he entered the Udine branch of Fridays for Future. He was also a member of the local committee against 5G. With the advent of Covid Rossi has found a cause, and an audience, in the world of critics of masks, vaccines and anti-pandemic limitations.

During the last lockdown he protested against the curfew by wandering around the city without a mask after 10pm, broadcasting his demonstration walks live. The 3V Movement, a party founded in 2019 by the Paduan veterinarian Mario Girotto, is a formation that indulges in the theory of the conspiracy: it is under his banner that Ugo Rossi, finally arriving at a suitable political house, launches his race to the municipality of Trieste, inviting “all humans” to stand as candidates on his list.

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He assiduously participates in the demonstrations against the Green Pass in Piazza della Borsa, up to the very crowded one on Monday 20 September. On Tuesday 21 September, in front of the San Giovanni post office, the episode culminated in the arrest.


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