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Update: New mental health initiative:

The Smile Effect: Your smile as a door opener to happiness

World Happiness Day 2024: Bayer launches “The Smile Effect” initiative

– The door opener for the website thesmileeffect.de is a smile

– Smiling people are happier – important for mental health

Leverkusen, March 20, 2024 – Anyone who smiles gets more out of life because: smiling makes you more productive (1), smiling people are more successful professionally (2) and scientific findings show that smiling makes you a little happier. What is surprising at first: the effects also occur when the smile is on.(3)

Smiling into the camera opens the website

The feeling of being happy plays an important role in a person’s mental health. With its new initiative “The Smile Effect,” Bayer would like to make people smile and thus help strengthen their mental health. At www.thesmileeffect.de there is exciting information that encourages you to smile, spreads a good mood and inspires, as well as various shopping advantages.

For example, would you have thought that Finland has been named “Land of Smiles” in the World Happiness Report for the seventh time? Germany is in 24th place in this ranking, so there is definitely room for improvement.(4)

No password is required for online access: a smile into the camera of your smartphone, tablet or laptop serves as a door opener. The idea came about together with the Creative Works team at Google, who provide the TensorFlow platform for “smile detection”.

Have a good mood on World Happiness Day and beyond

The website for the “The Smile Effect” initiative will launch on March 20, 2024 – then the “International Day of Happiness” proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) will take place. On this day, the UN also publishes the annual World Happiness Report. Last year, this made it clear, among other things, that physical and mental health have a strong influence on a person’s life satisfaction.(5)

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Bayer is committed to mental health

“We want to help people find their own way to deal with their mental health,” explains Tobias Boldt, Head of Consumer Health at Bayer Vital, with a view to the current initiative and adds: “Our mental health is often influenced by a variety of stress problems, Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep or low mood.”

In addition to lots of helpful information, Bayer also offers products from the Laif product family that can support mental health day and night. These include Laif®900 Balance, a herbal medicine for mental stress and low moods, Calmalaif®, a traditional herbal medicine that naturally helps to relieve inner tension and find peace, and Lunalaif® (NEM), which contributes , to fall asleep and stay asleep better.**

*Melatonin helps shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. **Valerian helps maintain sleep.


1) www.srf.ch/wissen/mensch/mehr-ausdauer-mehr-erholung-darum-steigertlaecheln-our-performance; Accessed: March 7, 2024

2) www.derstandard.at/story/2000133486177/gib-dir-dein-schoenstes-laecheln;Zugriff: 07.03.2024

3) Coles N et al. Nature Human Behaviour 2022; 6: 1731-1742

4) Helliwell JF et al. (2024). World Happiness Report 2024. Access: 20.3.2024

5) Helliwell JF et al. (2023). World Happiness Report 2023 (11th ed.). Sustainable Development Solutions Network. verfugbar unter: Zugriff: 5.3.2024

About Bavaria

Bayer is a global company with core competencies in the life science areas of health and nutrition. True to its mission “Health for all, Hunger for none”, the company wants to use its products and services to benefit people and protect the environment – by helping to solve the fundamental challenges of a constantly growing and aging global population. Bayer is committed to making a significant contribution to sustainable development through its businesses. At the same time, the group wants to increase its profitability and create value through innovation and growth. The Bayer brand stands for trust, reliability and quality worldwide. In the 2023 financial year, the group achieved sales of 47.6 billion euros with around 100,000 employees. Expenditure on research and development, adjusted for special items, amounted to 5.8 billion euros. Further information can be found on the Internet at www.bayer.com/de

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Bayer Vital GmbH sells the medicines of the Consumer Health and Pharmaceuticals divisions as well as the veterinary medicines of the Animal Health business unit in Germany. You can find more information about Bayer Vital GmbH at: www.gesundheit.bayer.de

Company contact
Bayer Vital GmbH
Erwin Filter
Building K56
51366 Leverkusen
+49 175 3002838

Press contact
Brickenkamp-PR GmbH
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47798 Krefeld
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