Home » What is Dengue, the “bone-crushing fever” that triggered the alarm in Busto Arsizio: contagion with a mosquito, symptoms and treatments

What is Dengue, the “bone-crushing fever” that triggered the alarm in Busto Arsizio: contagion with a mosquito, symptoms and treatments

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What is Dengue, the “bone-crushing fever” that triggered the alarm in Busto Arsizio: contagion with a mosquito, symptoms and treatments

Preventive Disinfestation in Busto Arsizio to Combat Dengue Fever Spread

Since last night, Friday 22 March, a disinfestation process has been initiated in the Sant’Edoardo neighborhood of Busto Arsizio to prevent the spread of mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, responsible for diseases such as Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue. The reclamation, centered around Via Nievo and spanning a radius of 200 meters, is set to conclude on March 24th. The initiative comes as Dengue cases are on the rise, particularly in Brazil, where over 2 million cases have been reported, the highest in over two decades.

The increasing presence of Dengue in regions beyond the tropics is attributed to factors like climate change and international travel. The World Health Organization reports an eightfold increase in Dengue cases globally since 2000. In Europe, there were 71 cases in 2022, nearly matching the total for the period 2010-2021. The Aedes albopictus mosquito, known as the tiger mosquito and a carrier of Dengue and Chikungunya, is expanding its range further north and west in Europe.

Italy ranks first in Europe for sporadic indigenous Dengue epidemics, with 82 cases reported in 2023. While the disease is not usually fatal, it can pose risks to individuals with chronic health conditions. Dengue is transmitted through mosquito bites, with symptoms including severe headache, joint and muscle pain, and fever.

Preventive measures such as mosquito nets, skin repellents, and elimination of stagnant water sources are recommended to reduce the risk of Dengue transmission. The approval of a Dengue vaccine in Italy offers additional protection, especially for travelers to endemic regions. Early detection and hydration are key in managing Dengue infections, as there are currently no specific treatments available.

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As the disinfestation efforts in Busto Arsizio continue, authorities urge the public to stay informed about Dengue prevention and to take necessary precautions to safeguard their health.

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