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New confrontation between Federico Gutiérrez and Daniel Quintero

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New confrontation between Federico Gutiérrez and Daniel Quintero

The city of Medellín, known for its dynamism, culture and entrepreneurial spirit, is once again immersed in the political whirlwind that characterizes the relationship between two of its most prominent figures: Federico Fico Gutiérrez and Daniel Quintero. Since Fico became mayor of the city, after a close electoral race, tensions between him and his predecessor have been constantly boiling.

The problems that afflict the city, from financial issues to security and administrative management challenges, have served as a breeding ground for this political confrontation that seems to have no end; However, the last episode of this saga reached new heights of confrontation.

The turning point occurred following a series of petition rights presented by prominent political representatives such as Senator Alex Flórez, Representative Alejandro Toro and Councilor Juan Carlos Upegui. These requests seek to obtain detailed information about the 501 findings related to alleged acts of corruption during Quintero’s management as mayor of Medellín.

Fico’s response was immediate and overwhelming. The president flatly rejected the delivery of documents, arguing that they contain crucial testimonies and witnesses in the ongoing investigations. “I would neither be stupid nor irresponsible by handing over the evidence and testimonies to those who looted Medellín,” Gutiérrez stated for local media.

The mayor went a step further by directly accusing the information seekers, pointing out that they are linked to the same corruption processes reported. In a bold move, Fico denounced Senator Flórez, Representative Toro and Councilman Upegui before the Attorney General’s Office, alleging alleged abuse of powers to favor third parties.

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Quintero’s response has not been long in coming. Through his social networks, the former mayor sent a direct and blunt message, pointing out that he had just donated the million pesos that the former president requested to pay for the 4G roads.

This comment came after Uribe proposed that approximately one million inhabitants of Antioquia contribute around one million pesos each, either through donations or loans, in order to finish the roads that cross the department that he led ago. More than twenty years ago, many social media users began to comment on the matter.

In his publication, Quintero demanded clear conditions, such as the elimination of tolls, a greater contribution by those who own large tracts of land, and transparency in the management of funds.

But Quintero has not stopped there. He recalled the significant investment his administration made in the project, arguing that it is not fair to ask citizens for more money. In addition, he highlighted the successful operation of Hidroituango and questioned the destination of the resources.

“As mayor we put 300 billion into the project. They should lose their shame and go around asking people for more money. “Hidroituango is working: What are they doing with the money?” the politician published on his X account (formerly Twitter).

This public confrontation of accusations and counter-answers has generated a great stir on social networks, where users have expressed divergent opinions. On the one hand, some Internet users highlight Quintero’s management as positive and disagree with the accusations against him, considering that his administration was effective.

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However, others argue that his tenure left the city in losses and support Gutiérrez amid the controversy. In addition, there are those who support the initiative of several politicians to denounce cases of corruption in the capital of Antioquia, considering that it is an important step towards transparency and accountability in the government sphere. With Infobae

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