Home » Getting your bike fit after winter (+ free checklist)

Getting your bike fit after winter (+ free checklist)

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Every bike fan is probably waiting impatiently for the right weather to get the bike out of the basement or garage and finally start cycling again. But you should definitely do a check beforehand. After all, you want to be safe on the road even after winter. What should you consider if you want to get your bike fit?

Foto: Suti Stock Photo/ Shutterstock

You’re not sure where to start or what you should check on the bike. Of course, you can also request professional maintenance for a fee. But if you want to check your bike yourself and get it back in shape, it’s worth taking a short guide.

Spring check for your bike: Start with the tires!

Photo: Viktor Kovtun/ Shutterstock


Intact tires are one of the most important elements of a two-wheeler, which is why you shouldn’t skimp on quality or maintenance. They should:

to be clean. Ideally, the bike is thoroughly cleaned again at the end of the season, including the dirty tires, and only then is it put into hibernation. But even then, it is important to clean your bicycle tires in spring, because more or less dust collects on them throughout the months. This in turn poses a risk of slipping. You can read here how to properly clean your bike. Photo: VITALII BORKOVSKYI/ Shutterstock

be screwed tightly all around. While you are already cleaning the wheel, spokes and tires, check whether all screws are really tight. Also nudge the wheel to see if it turns well without stalling.
not be too worn. Now that you have cleaned the rubber, you can also better see if there is any major damage. The tire tread should not be too worn out yet. Rubber becomes tough and brittle over time. Check this too, as well as the condition of the tire sides (called sidewalls).

Finally, inflate the tires again if they have lost air during the winter.

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Read here what you can do to prevent rust on your bike.

Absolutely important: the brakes

Foto: Dusan Petkovic/ Shutterstock

Even at low speeds, a poorly functioning brake can be a disaster. Although there is often a second person available who could take over in an emergency, you should definitely not skip this step when preparing your bike.

Check whether the brake shoes are already worn and should be replaced. Check the braking force. Push the bike and apply the brakes. These should start evenly and react neither jerkily nor too slowly. Does it squeak when braking? Fix the problem! Don’t forget to put the brakes on both wheels to test!

Since malfunctioning bicycle brakes (yes, actually all types of brakes) are not something to be trifled with, you can, if necessary, call in a professional to fix the problem and repair everything professionally.

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Refresh the bicycle chain

Foto: Anze Furlan/ Shutterstock


Bicycle chains usually last a long time, but they also need to be looked after. In this case, it simply means that you should oil them regularly and after the long winter anyway. This means the bike runs much more smoothly.

Speaking of smooth: When you get your bike ready, also lubricate all other moving elements of your bike, i.e. all joints. This includes:

the bearings on the pedals the chainring the sprockets other bearings the Bowden cables the dampers

Get the bike fit with regards to gear shifting

Foto: Dean Drobot/ Shutterstock

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Gear shifts are actually part of the bike these days and should of course also work. It would be bad if you suddenly realized on a steep hill that you couldn’t downshift. For this reason, it is essential that you check them when you get your bike back in shape.

Do a few quick laps while you try out all the gears. If necessary, have them fixed.

Check the bike light

If you are out and about at night and in fog, you need a light (by the way, the light can also increase your safety during the day). Check whether you need new batteries or whether the battery needs to be charged. Depending on the winter quarters, rodents may also have tampered with cables. That’s why you should also check these when getting your bike ready for spring.

Download your checklist to check off here.

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