Home » Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett want to make changes just before the wedding – they want to change this

Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett want to make changes just before the wedding – they want to change this

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Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett want to make changes just before the wedding – they want to change this

Märtha Louise(52) and Durek Verrett(49) are now in legal confrontation with Wikimedia Norway. Wikimedia Norge is the organization behind the Norwegian version of Wikipedia, a widely used source of information online. The case concerns the content of the Wikipedia page dedicated to Durek Verrett, which has led the couple to take the step of submitting a formal complaint.

The complaint includes several accusations against the relevant Wikipedia page. It criticizes the site for containing what the couple believe are false claims about Verrett’s background, education and career, according to See and listen. They also claim that the site contains unfounded criticism of Durek’s spiritual activities and methods, as well as that it violates his privacy by revealing private details of his love life. Another point in the complaint is accusations of a lack of neutrality, where the couple feel that Durek is being portrayed in an unfairly negative light.

On Wikipedia, Durek Verrett is described as a “self-proclaimed shaman.” However, Verrett challenges this characterization, claiming that his shamanic role is the result of a calling from his ancestors, who have guided and sought him out since childhood. Because of this deep, personal connection with his ancestors’ traditions and guidance, Verrett disagrees with the use of the term “self-proclaimed.” He argues that this description does not accurately reflect his experiences or the legitimacy of his role, and has therefore expressed a desire to have this term removed from his Wikipedia page.

However, Wikimedia Norway has responded to these accusations, where they defend the content of the Wikipedia page. They argue that the information published is correct and based on reliable sources. Furthermore, they claim that the criticism against Verrett is factual and reflects available information about his activities. When it comes to privacy, Wikimedia Norge emphasizes that they only publish information that is already publicly available. They also defend the page’s neutrality by claiming that it is written in neutral language and strives to present a balanced picture of Verrett.

Among other things, the engaged couple want an update to Durek’s Wikipedia profile to reflect his varied career paths, including his time as an MTV VJ, work as a dancer, model, TV personality, women’s rights campaigner, gymnastics coach, music producer, poet, choreographer for pop artists, and casting director. They are also asking for information about his stay and work in countries such as Israel, Iceland, Great Britain, Sweden, Spain, Italy and Turkey, as well as his contribution to charity work for the homeless.

Despite Wikimedia Norway’s defense, the case is still being processed. The organization has requested an external assessment to thoroughly investigate the validity of the complaints. This step may indicate a recognition of the complexity of the allegations and the need for an objective assessment.

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While Wikimedia Norway adheres to its editorial guidelines and source requirements, Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett seek justice and a more nuanced presentation of Verrett’s life and work. This marks a significant conversation about the responsibility of digital platforms to ensure accuracy while respecting the individual’s rights and perspectives.

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