Home » Donald Trump promises a “tough hand” with Cuba if he wins the North American presidency

Donald Trump promises a “tough hand” with Cuba if he wins the North American presidency

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Donald Trump promises a “tough hand” with Cuba if he wins the North American presidency

Former President Donald Trump has once again made headlines with his promises to take a “tough hand” against the Cuban government if he is re-elected as President of the United States. In a recent message shared on social media, Trump expressed his support for the Cuban people who have been protesting against the communist regime.

In a video shared on Twitter by US Congressman Carlos Jiménez, Trump commended the bravery of the Cuban people who have been protesting against food shortages, power blackouts, poverty, political repression, and religious persecution. He criticized the current administration’s policy towards Cuba as being too lenient and promised to enact stronger measures if he were to return to the White House.

Trump’s message resonated with many Cuban-Americans and opponents of the Cuban government, who applauded his commitment to supporting the cause of Cuban freedom. Congressman Jiménez thanked Trump for his continued support and pledged to stand with him in the fight against oppression.

With tensions escalating in Cuba and growing calls for change, Trump’s pledge to take a tough stance against the Cuban government has ignited debate and discussion. As the presidential race heats up, Trump’s promises regarding Cuba will undoubtedly be a key issue for voters to consider.

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