Home » He enters the gym hooded, they surprise him and he runs away

He enters the gym hooded, they surprise him and he runs away

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He enters the gym hooded, they surprise him and he runs away

Mystery Intruder at Remanzacco Municipal Gym Leaves Police on the Hunt

A cleaner at the “Broilo Perosa” municipal gym in Remanzacco, via Ziracco, had a frightening encounter on Wednesday, March 27th. While working, the cleaner came face-to-face with a person whose face was covered by a hood. Startled, the person immediately fled upon being noticed by the cleaner.

The cleaner wasted no time and promptly alerted the police. The carabinieri from the operational and mobile radio unit of the Udine Company quickly responded and conducted an inspection of the premises. It was discovered that the intruder had entered the sports facility by forcibly damaging the panic bar on the entrance door.

Despite the swift response from authorities, the intruder had already disappeared by the time they arrived. Surprisingly, it seemed that nothing had been taken from the gym. Investigations have since been launched to identify the mystery intruder, with hopes that surveillance footage may provide crucial information.

The cleaner undoubtedly experienced a moment of fear when confronted by the masked intruder. Fortunately, there were no reports of any additional damage beyond the tampering of the entrance door. Authorities are working diligently to unravel the mystery and ensure the safety and security of the municipal gym and its staff.

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