Home » Is intermittent fasting bad for your health? Bassetti also launches a jab at a well-known immunologist

Is intermittent fasting bad for your health? Bassetti also launches a jab at a well-known immunologist

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Is intermittent fasting bad for your health?  Bassetti also launches a jab at a well-known immunologist

Intermittent Fasting Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease, New Research Suggests

The world of diets is full of trends, but one of the most popular in recent years has been intermittent fasting. This diet involves limiting the number of meals you eat throughout the day in order to lose weight and improve overall health. However, a new study presented at a recent conference of the American Heart Association has raised concerns about the potential risks associated with intermittent fasting.

The study, conducted by a team of Chinese and American researchers, analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which collects information on the diet and health of tens of thousands of Americans. The researchers found that individuals who practiced intermittent fasting, defined in this case as consuming meals within an 8-hour window, had a 91% higher risk of dying from heart disease compared to those who spread their meals over a longer period of time.

While these findings are concerning, many experts have urged caution in interpreting the results. The study has not yet undergone peer review, and there are many factors that could influence the relationship between intermittent fasting and heart disease risk. Previous studies have also found links between intermittent fasting and health risks, but more research is needed to understand the potential dangers associated with this diet.

In light of these findings, it is important for individuals considering intermittent fasting to consult with their doctor before making any changes to their diet. While intermittent fasting may have some benefits, it is essential to understand the potential risks and weigh them against the potential benefits. As with any diet or lifestyle change, it is always best to seek professional advice to ensure that you are making choices that are in the best interest of your health.

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