Home » Thirty-something gets five years in prison for abusing the son of a Ukrainian refugee (abroad)

Thirty-something gets five years in prison for abusing the son of a Ukrainian refugee (abroad)

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Halle/I go –

A young man in his thirties from Halle has been sentenced to five years in prison for the sexual abuse of two children. One of the victims was the son of a Ukrainian refugee with whom he had built up a good bond. “She had fled from hell, hoping to find a better life here. Thanks to the defendant, she has ended up in even greater hell,” her lawyer said.

Friday, March 29, 2024 at 2:27 PM

The defendant is no stranger to his home town. The man has been working as an animator at the playground for many years, supervises various sports camps for children and also worked as an educator in a pedagogical center.

In 2022, the man came into contact with a Ukrainian woman who had fled the war in her home country with her 4-year-old son. The thirty-something turned out to be a helping hand, who also took care of the child. Ultimately it turned out that the man was abusing the boy.

Immediately after the facts came to light, he went to a girlfriend in Menen, West Flanders. He also rolled up his sleeves, but behind the woman’s back her 7-year-old son was sexually abused.

Any victims?

The trial showed that the public prosecutor fears that the man was still making victims. “I have a very bitter feeling about this file,” said the public prosecutor. “I don’t know if we know everything and that is very disturbing.”

During the defense’s plea, it emerged that the defendant himself had been the victim of sexual abuse in his youth. “He has sought self-healing by caring for other children,” his lawyer said. “He wanted to prove to himself that he wasn’t like that and that went well for twelve years. My client now especially needs treatment.”

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The court listened to the defense’s arguments and imposed a prison sentence of five years on the man, of which two years were suspended under conditions. “You will be given time to reflect in prison,” was said during the reading of the verdict. “You will then be given opportunities to be guided, so that you can approach life in a different way.”

The court insisted on residential psychiatric counseling after his release to manage his sexual problems. “If necessary, outpatient guidance should also be provided. In addition, you will also be prohibited from carrying out activities involving minors for 20 years. This is a measure that the court deems necessary to protect society. Finally, after the execution of your sentence, you will be made available to the sentencing court for another five years, which will monitor you further.”

The man in his thirties must also pay his victims compensation. The two abused children are each awarded 1,500 euros, and he must pay their mothers the sum of 3,000 and 5,000 euros respectively.

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