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“You can leave Liverpool, but Liverpool will never leave you”

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“You can leave Liverpool, but Liverpool will never leave you”

Among other things, Jürgen Klopp highlights the exciting start to the season we have in store, Brighton as a tough opponent and last weekend’s legendary match against Brighton in today’s match programme. Here you can read the text in its entirety:

“We are now in the last months of the season, and even if there are fewer and fewer games, we have a lot to play for. Arriving at this part of the season in the position we’re in isn’t too bad. Now we just have to concentrate on making the most of the opportunities we have given ourselves.”

“One of those opportunities was missed when we went out of the FA Cup against Manchester United just before the national team break. It was a disappointing day and you won’t find anyone here who would argue otherwise. But at the same time it should also be a reminder of all the challenges we had come through up to that point”.

“Losing matches is never a pleasant experience. That is why you do everything you can to prevent it from happening. But unfortunately it is part of professional football, and then you just have to use the defeats as motivation to fight back in the best possible way.”

Difficult opponent

“If we have that will, which I have no doubt we have, a defeat can end one chapter, but at the same time be the start of a new one. That is our goal today.”

“At the same time, we know that we are facing an opponent who is always difficult to play against. Under Roberto De Zerbi, Brighton have shown that they are difficult for us to deal with, and I have a lot of respect for that. I’ve said before that if you love football, then you have to have a sense for the football Brighton plays under De Zerbi, and I stand for that”.

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“The last time we played them was in October and it was a game that could have gone either way. We had a difficult start, but worked our way into the game and could have won after we took the lead. But the game was open and Brighton equalised, so it was a day of mixed emotions”.

“What was certain was that it was a really intense match, and we can expect more of the same today.”

Nice experience at a legend match

“Aside from what is happening on the pitch for us, I would like to use the opportunity to single out two groups that have used the national team break for something constructive”.

“The first group is Liverpool’s legend team. I got to meet the players before their game against Ajax last weekend and I’m glad because they put in a memorable performance as they turned the game around from 0-2 to 4-2.”

“What came out when I met them was how strong a bond they still have with Liverpool FC. That’s one of the things I love about this club. You may leave Liverpool, but Liverpool never leaves you. I saw it with Sven-Göran Eriksson as well, who obviously appreciated the experience. Meeting Sven was one of the moments of the season for me and now that he can say he is a former Liverpool manager, he brings our love with him.”

“The second group is the March of the Day participants who completed a 286 kilometer walk in support of people with ALS. It was football at its best – former players coming together to show their support for Stephen Darby, Marcus Stewart and others is great in itself. But on top of it all you had football stadiums on the road that opened their doors and their hearts to everyone involved»·

“Having Anfield as our final destination was an honor and a privilege for us, but all the stadiums involved showed football at its best. It’s something we can all take inspiration from.”

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