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Bruises and swelling, herbal medicine offers a natural remedy

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Bruises and swelling, herbal medicine offers a natural remedy

Flowers with Healing Powers: The Benefits of Primroses and Daisies

Perhaps not everyone knows that some varieties of flowers are not only fascinating from a purely aesthetic point of view, but can also prove very precious for our health. Daisies and primroses, for example, have interesting properties that are undoubtedly worth learning about if you are looking for natural remedies for bruises, superficial bruising and swelling, using the principles of phytotherapy.

The oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) is one of the best-known flowers with healing properties. According to The Plant Medicine School, daisies boast anti-inflammatory, astringent, and healing properties. They can be used to prepare compresses and oils for minor bruises and swelling. Daisies also have an expectorant effect, helping to expel bronchial catarrh.

To create a nourishing ointment with daisies, you can collect plantain leaves and daisy flowers and simmer them in olive oil. This ointment can be used to nourish the skin or as a treatment for bruises and scratches. Additionally, daisy flowers can be added to salads or used to prepare infusions for stomach health.

Equally precious are primroses, known for their benefits in treating spasms, cramps, paralysis, and rheumatic pain. Primroses contain saponins and salicylates, which have anodyne, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects. However, caution must be taken as primroses should not be prescribed to pregnant women, those sensitive to aspirin, or individuals taking anticoagulant drugs like warfarin.

Primroses can be consumed in various ways, such as eating the young leaves raw in salads or cooked in soups, or infusing the leaves for tea. The flowers can be eaten cooked or raw, as a garnish for dishes or in preserves. Primroses and daisies contain toning and astringent active ingredients in their petals, making them suitable for practical use in both the kitchen and phytotherapy.

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These flowers are not just beautiful to look at; they also offer a natural and holistic approach to healing various ailments. Next time you come across daisies or primroses, remember their potential health benefits and consider incorporating them into your wellness routine.

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