Home » Terrorists Arrested in Southern Russia Linked to Moscow Attack: Russian Federal Security Service

Terrorists Arrested in Southern Russia Linked to Moscow Attack: Russian Federal Security Service

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Russian Federal Security Service: Terrorists arrested in southern Russia provided funds and weapons to the perpetrators of the Moscow terrorist attack

2024/04/02 07:12 China News Network

China News Service, Moscow, April 1. The Russian Federal Security Service stated on April 1 that investigations showed that militants captured during a special counter-terrorism operation in the Republic of Dagestan in southern Russia directly launched a terrorist attack on the “Krocus City” concert hall. The perpetrators provided funds and weapons.

According to news on the website of the Russian Federal Security Service on April 1, the service foiled the activities of a branch of a terrorist organization composed of four foreign citizens in the Republic of Dagestan on March 31. They planned to attack Kaspiysk in the Republic of Dagestan. Carrying out terrorist attacks in crowded places in the city. Investigations revealed that criminals conducted reconnaissance of the local area, crafted improvised explosive devices and purchased automatic weapons. After the attack, they planned to leave Russia immediately after completing the terrorist attack.

At the same time, it was found that the captured militants directly provided funds and weapons to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on the “Krokos City” concert hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region on March 22.

According to RIA Novosti, one of the arrested persons admitted that he had transported weapons from Makhachkala to Moscow region for use by terrorists who attacked the “Krokos City” concert hall.

Russia’s National Counter-Terrorism Committee stated on March 31 that Russia conducted anti-terrorism operations in Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan, and Kaspiysk that day and captured three militants who were planning to commit terrorist crimes. Relevant Russian departments found automatic weapons, ammunition and improvised explosive devices when searching the hiding places of militants.

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On the evening of March 22, a serious terrorist attack occurred at the “Krocus City” concert hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, resulting in 144 deaths and 551 injuries.

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