Home » “Fit with Philipp” pauses after published chats with Strache

“Fit with Philipp” pauses after published chats with Strache

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“Fit with Philipp” pauses after published chats with Strache

The ORF is investigating the allegations against the popular gymnast Philipp Jelinek; his show “Fit with Philipp” cannot currently be seen this week.

Turbulent times at ORF. While this Tuesday he… had to make the salaries of its top earners publici.e. those employees who receive a gross annual salary (including allowances) of 170,000 euros or more per year, there are initial consequences from the recently published chats surrounding the FPÖ.

Philipp Jelinek, the “nation’s leading gymnast” and particularly popular with older audiences, has to take a break from ORF for the time being. He is taking vacation this week, ORF confirmed a “standard” report. The allegations against Jelinek are being examined. He can only be seen in repeats of “Fit with Philipp”.

Philipp Jelinek was Strache’s fitness trainer

What is it about? On Friday, old chats with the former FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache were made public. It states that Jelinek Strache asked for support several years ago. He wanted a job as an ORF presenter on “Guten Morgen Österreich”. (“Dear Heinz, the cake is now being distributed[…]“We urgently need to set the course for me”). According to “Standard”, he promised information about ORF internals in return.

Jelinek had been Strache’s personal fitness trainer. He came to ORF during Strache’s reign, and he got the show “Fit with Philipp” during the Corona lockdowns. (red./APA)

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