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three artificial intelligence functions to amaze your friends

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three artificial intelligence functions to amaze your friends

A great leap forward for software, which needed to be made. As always, the Koreans are among the first and, once again, are exploring unexplored territories of technology. This time the protagonist is AI, which lands on Samsung S24, S24 Plus ed S24 Ultra and which promises to revolutionize the way we use devices every day.

There are many new features introduced with the software update that pushes the new devices, and which will certainly be implemented in the Samsung Galaxy S25, which we are already starting to talk about. We have selected three, the most absurd and particular which, we are sure, will amaze your friends, relatives and partners once you show them.

Circle and search

Let’s start with the one that more than any other has combined with the always excellent Samsung communication campaign. Thanks to the stylus supplied with the Samsung S24 Ultra, you can literally carry out a search simply by circling a product. The underlying technology is that of Google Lens, which automatically starts a search on the web with the object in question, giving you the results in real time.

AI Translate Live

Another important implementation concerns the automatic and real-time translation of calls and texts on the screen. Nothing could be simpler and, we are sure, useful for anyone who often travels for work and/or tourism; There are currently 13 languages ​​available. Technically, when a call is started, the interlocutor receives a voice message to warn him that he will speak with a voice generated by AI. The software will do the rest, allowing you to speak without problems even if you don’t know the language.

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Photo and video section

The obvious couldn’t be missed implementation of AI in the photo and video sector. There are many tools for editing content and they mostly refer to what has already been seen on the excellent Pixel operating system, including the Pixel 8a protagonist of a first technical sheet. For example, backgrounds can be generated and then modified when elements in a shot are deleted. A function that will also include videos.

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