Home » Five easy steps to follow to get a flat, deflated stomach with little effort

Five easy steps to follow to get a flat, deflated stomach with little effort

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That bloated sensation that sometimes attacks us, especially after we ate heavy the night before or when we have some intestinal regularity problems, is terrible. This discomfort can be temporary, linked to a single situation or it can become permanent and lasting.

It should be known that most of the time these discomforts such as meteorism or aerophagia are due to how we eat and what we eat. In fact, incorrect eating habits can be the primary cause of all this.

In fact, feeling bloated or intestinal discomfort can create embarrassments and difficulties. The fact that the gut is our second brain is not to be underestimated. Just like migraines, stomach and stomach problems make us feel sick and ruin our day.

Few sugars and sweeteners, yes to fiber and carminative herbs

But just correcting bad habits will solve this problem and definitely make us feel better.

So here are five easy steps to follow to get a flat, deflated stomach with little effort.

First of all, we need to reduce simple sugars. The latter in fact feed the bacteria in the intestine which cause fermentation and the production of gas. The advice is to avoid foods that contain simple sugars and white sugar.

Drastically reduce or eliminate all types of sweeteners. Also in this case they produce swelling because our intestine is unable to absorb them. Therefore xylitol, maltitol, mannitol contained in candy or chewing gum, soft drinks or in sachets to sweeten coffee should be banned.

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Chew slowly and with pauses between bites. Digestion is activated immediately with chewing. If we chop the food into smaller pieces we will be able to digest them more easily. Chewing long and calmly also allows us to avoid ingesting excess air that will cause intestinal bloating.

Five easy steps to follow to get a flat, deflated stomach with little effort

Take the so-called carminative herbs in the form of herbal teas or infusions. They help to solve the problem of meteorism and aerophagia disorders.

Anise, fennel, artichoke, cinnamon, licorice and even mint are some of the herbs with these properties. After dinner we can prepare an herbal tea with these flavors and the feeling of well-being will be immediate.

If the bloating comes from a constipation problem and we are aware of it, the best solution is to drink lots of water and eat foods rich in fiber such as vegetables and fruits. Both will help us make the bowel movement regular. If we struggle with water we can replace it with scented waters or herbal teas. Getting plenty of exercise is also important.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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