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Lailatul Qadr Prayer Procedure 2 and 4 Rakaat and Recitation

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Lailatul Qadr Prayer Procedure 2 and 4 Rakaat and Recitation


The night of Laylatul Qadar has many glories so it is recommended to do as much worship as possible. One of the acts of worship that can be performed is the Lailatul Qadar prayer.

The glory of Lailatul Qadr itself has been explained in surah Al Qadr verses 1-5, it is said that night is better than a thousand months or around 83 years. Allah SWT said,

Indeed, We sent it down on the Night of Destiny (1) And what makes you know what the Night of Destiny is? (2) The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months (3) The angels and the Spirit descend therein. Their Lord’s permission from every matter (4) Peace is until the coming of dawn (5)



Meaning: Verily We have sent it (the Qur’an) down on the night of glory. And do you know what the night of glory is? That glorious night is better than a thousand months. That night the angels and Angel Gabriel came down with the permission of God to arrange all matters. That night was (full of) well-being until dawn.

Quoted from the book Mustajab Prayer Group Opening the Door of Sustenance The work of Sulaeman bin Muhammad Bahri, Rasulullah SAW also advised Muslims to perform worship in order to receive forgiveness on the night of Lailatul Qadar. This is based on the hadith which says,

“Whoever on the night of Lailatul Qadr performs worship and prays with full faith offered solely to God, will be forgiven of all his past and future sins.” (HR Ahmad and Thabrani)

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Procedures for the 2 and 4 Rakaat Laylatul Qadar Prayers

Taken from the book The Secret to the Power of Sunnah Prayers for a Whole Year by Ustaz M. Kamaluddin, here are the procedures for performing the Lailatul Qadar prayer.

Before performing the Lailatul Qadar prayer, Muslims should recite the intention reading as follows.

Intention of Lailatul Qadr Prayer 2 Rakaat

I pray the Sunnah of Laylat Al-Qadr two rak’ahs to God Almighty

The Sunnah of Laylat al-Qadr is the rok’ataini (imam/makmuman) lillaahi ta’ala.

Meaning: I intend to pray the Sunnah Lailatul Qadr two rakats (imam/makmum) for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”

The procedures for the Laylatul Qadar prayer are similar to other sunnah prayers. It can be done as many as two rak’ahs or four rak’ahs with the following conditions.

  • Reciting Surah Al Fatihah in the first rak’ah
  • Read Surah Al Ikhlas 7 times after Surah Al Fatihah in the first rakaat
  • Reciting Surah Al Fatihah in the second rak’ah
  • Read Surah Al Ikhlas 7 times after Surah Al Fatihah in the second rak’ah
  • Ended with salam, then read istighfar 70 times

The following is the pronunciation of istigfar after greeting:

God’s forgiveness and repent to Him

Astaghfirullāha wa atūbu ilayhi

Meaning: “I ask Allah’s forgiveness and I repent to Him.”

Lailatul Qadr Prayer Intention 4 Rakaat

I pray a Sunnah on Laylat al-Qadr, four rak’ahs, facing the Qiblah, to God Almighty, God is Great.

Ushalli sunnatan fi lailatil qadri arba’a raka’atin mustaqbilal qiblati lillâhi ta’ala. Allahu Akbar.

Meaning: “I intend to pray four rak’ahs of the sunnah prayer at night of Lailatul Qadar because of Allah Ta’ala. Allah is the Greatest.”

There is no initial tahiyat in the Lailatul Qadr prayer of four rakats. When you have reached the second rak’at, you do not need to sit for tahiyat but immediately get up and continue the third rak’at.

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Final tahiyat in the fourth rakat. When you reach the fourth rak’ah, sit down and recite the tahiyat prayer which is the same as the tahiyat prayer in the obligatory prayer.

After finishing reading the final tahiyat prayer, then the next thing is to say salam. Then continue by reciting the pronunciation of istighfar like the reading above.

In addition to reciting Surah Al Fatihah once and Al Ikhlas seven times, Muslims can also recite the following surahs in the first and second rakats, namely, Al Fatihah once, Al Qadr once and Al Ikhlas 15 times.

Prayer after Lailatul Qadar prayer

Quoted from the book The Best Prayers of All Time by Ustaz Ahmad Zacky El-Syafa, the following is the recitation of the Lailatul Qadr night prayer that can be read after the Lailatul Qadr sunnah prayer.

Oh God, you love cream amnesty amnesty forgive me

May Allah bless you and your family

It means: “Oh God, you are indeed the Most Forgiving and the Most Noble, willing to forgive, so forgive me.” (HR Ibnu Majah)

Priority of Lailatul Qadr Prayer

Quoted from the book Complete Guide to 99 Supercomplete Sunnah Prayers by Puspa Swara and Ibnu Watiniyah, there are advantages to be gained when performing the sunnah prayer Lailatul Qadar.

1. For those who practice Lailatul Qadr prayer, Allah SWT will forgive his sins along with the sins of his parents when he gets up from his seat.

2. He built palaces, planted trees and provided rivers in heaven for those who practice the Lailatul Qadar prayer.

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The two priorities are mentioned in the book Durrah an-Nashihin which reads as follows,

“Whoever prays on the night of Lailatul Qadr for two rak’ahs, in each rak’ah after reciting Al-Fatihah one time, then reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas seven times and after salam reciting ‘Astaghfirullahal ‘azhim wa atubu ilaih’ 70 times, then as long as he doing it Allah SWT will forgive his sins and the sins of his parents, and Allah SWT will send Angels to plant (for him) trees in heaven, build buildings and make rivers flow in them, and he will not come out of this world, until he has see the whole thing.”

God bless you.

Watch the Video “Get to Know the Virtues of the Night of Lailatur Qadar”
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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