Home » Dong-Hoon Han “Let’s come together and drive out criminals”… Indiscriminate attack on the opposition party :: Sympathetic media Newsis News Agency ::

Dong-Hoon Han “Let’s come together and drive out criminals”… Indiscriminate attack on the opposition party :: Sympathetic media Newsis News Agency ::

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Dong-Hoon Han “Let’s come together and drive out criminals”…  Indiscriminate attack on the opposition party :: Sympathetic media Newsis News Agency ::

Gyeongsan Station campaign, Korea “candidate Jo Ji-yeon appeals for landslide victory”

Candidate Cho Ji-yeon: “I will fight against Lee Jae-myung and Cho Kuk’s political parties.”

At a campaign rally held at Gyeongsan Station in Gyeongsangbuk-do on the afternoon of the 6th, People Power Party Chairman Han Dong-hoon and candidate Jo Ji-yeon are pledging to win the election by a landslide. *Resale and database prohibited

[경산=뉴시스] Reporter Kang Byeong-seo = People Power Party Emergency Response Committee Chairman Han Dong-hoon said at a campaign rally held at Gyeongsan Station in Gyeongsangbuk-do at 8 pm on the 6th, “We cannot entrust our future to criminals. “We must unite,” he said, indiscriminately attacking opposition parties such as the Democratic Party of Korea and appealing for an overwhelming victory for candidate Jo Ji-yeon.

Chairman Han asked, “In the end, we can only win this election if we come together, and aren’t we the only ones there?”

He continued, “I don’t want to take anything away through politics or elections. So when I first started (in politics), I said there was no need to take anything away and that I would not run. “Please trust my sincerity,” he said.

Chairman Han said, “This is a critical election that could ruin the Republic of Korea. “Do you want us to later praise ourselves for coming together to drive out criminals and protect the future?” he said, adding, “We are the only ones who can win the fight against criminals,” and repeatedly appealed for the victory of the People Power Party and candidate Jo Ji-yeon.

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Candidate Jo Ji-yeon also said, “It is very difficult for the People Power Party. You have to work harder. “The People Power Party must resolutely fight against the unscrupulous criminal parties, Lee Jae-myung’s party, and Cho Kuk’s party, so please send clean young workers to the National Assembly,” he said, attacking the Democratic Party of Korea, Representative Lee Jae-myung, and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party.

Candidate Cho continued, “I have not known betrayal and have maintained the value of freedom until the end. Even when President Park Geun-hye was impeached, she maintained it until the end. “I will not betray the citizens of Gyeongsan,” he said.

Chairman Han Dong-hoon also supported candidate Jo Ji-yeon at the Gyeongsan Public Market on March 21.

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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