Home » What the heart tumor that affected Flavio Briatore looks like: symptoms and how to notice them immediately

What the heart tumor that affected Flavio Briatore looks like: symptoms and how to notice them immediately

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What the heart tumor that affected Flavio Briatore looks like: symptoms and how to notice them immediately

Flavio Briatore was recently affected by a heart tumor: how does this pathology present itself and what are the first symptoms?

The businessman Flavio Briatore a few days ago he suffered a surgery for the removal of a benign heart tumor. The operation was carried out at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and brought attention to this little-known form of cancer.

What is cardiac cancer and how does it manifest itself – ecodibasilicata.it

As far as heart diseases are concerned, cancer is certainly not among the best known. The heart problems that are best known are heart attacks, hypertension linked to the malfunctioning of the heart, but certainly not a form of cancer. In reality, however, this vital organ can also be affected by cancer. There are several things to know about this disease, first of all the fact that even in this case the tumor can be malignant or benign. But what are the symptomsfrom the first manifestations of its presence and which ones treatments and cures to fight heart cancer?

Cardiac tumor: what it is and what the symptoms are

Cardiac tumors are distinguished in those primary or metastatic type. In the first case the origin is in the transformation of cardiac cells while in the second case it occurs following a tumor that first appeared in another organ. Benign heart tumors are much more common than malignant ones.

It is in fact one quite rare pathology, represents 0.02% of all tumor pathologies. The main benign heart cancer is called mixoma, and that’s what struck Briatore. In most cases, 75% develops in the left atrium and does not produce metastases. To remove it, as was the case for the entrepreneur, a Minimally invasive endoscopic thoracotomy surgery with extracorporeal circulation.

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Flavio Briatore, heart cancer: what are the symptoms. Credits: Instagram @briatoreflavio (ecodibasilicata.it)

Tumor formation generally occurs within the left atrium. It grows extremely rapidly and as far as symptoms are concerned, the onset is insidious because in many cases it does not present any symptoms. When these occur they are generic symptoms of cardiac malfunction and therefore can exist palpitations, arrhythmias e short breathing and tired.

If it is not discovered in time, an aggravation may occur may lead to pulmonary embolism, syncope, heart failure and obviously it can also lead to unexpected death. Experts recommend the prevention which consists in carrying out the echocardiogram every 2 years in adults over 40 or in athletes.

I malignant cardiac tumors they are even rarer but can still occur. I am the papillary fibroelastomail rabdiomomail paragangliomabut also theangiosarcoma which usually develops on the right atrium and may extend to the pericardium. Then there are the mesothelioma and the linfoma cardiaco even rarer and associated with immunodepressive syndromes.

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