Home » Giorgio Marsiaj: “Orsini brings Confindustria to Brussels. Immediately a government-Stellantis pact”

Giorgio Marsiaj: “Orsini brings Confindustria to Brussels. Immediately a government-Stellantis pact”

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Giorgio Marsiaj: “Orsini brings Confindustria to Brussels.  Immediately a government-Stellantis pact”

«Emanuele Orsini has a great challenge ahead of him: to make Confindustria change pace and bring it increasingly into Europe to give impetus to business policies». Giorgio Marsiaj, president of the Turin Industrial Union, gives his confidence to the new number one of Viale dell’Astronomia, who received the Turin vote after the retirement of Edoardo Garrone. And he sends a message to the government and Stellantis: «It is useless to continue with declarations and tables, we need a pact for the automotive sector. And the head of the group must remain in Mirafiori.”

In recent weeks Confindustria has been divided into venom and controversy. What do you expect from Orsini?

«If the wise men have excluded a candidate, they will have had their well-founded reasons. Now we are all aligned and aware of the need to reorganize and relaunch the association, as was written in the programs of Orsini, Garrone and Gozzi”.


«Two points, both underlined by Orsini, are decisive. The first is to give strength to the entire industrial system, bringing together large and small businesses: those with suppliers are now true partnership relationships, which should also be enhanced by encouraging the sale of company shares. The second is to bring more and more Confindustria to Europe. We need a closer relationship with Brussels, the big games are played there. Even if there is no real European industrial policy, just as there is a lack of common policies on taxation, defense and foreign affairs.”

However, the Green Deal is a clear policy line that impacts industry. And unwelcome to you.

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«There are unrealistic objectives. And we run the risk of condemning ourselves to a loss of competitiveness: just think that electric technology is entirely in Chinese hands. This is particularly true for the automotive sector.”

Does the government have a clear industrial policy?

«On the Green Deal he took a clear stand to obtain changes. As for the automotive sector, the desire to bring a second manufacturer to Italy is clear, as happens in many countries. But it’s not enough and I see some risks.”

Meaning what?

«We need people who make cars. If there is someone ready to come here and invest billions, so be it. But in Italy we know how to do them, both with Stellantis and with the entire supplier chain. The most beautiful cars have been produced here for 120 years and it is no coincidence that we are leaders in many countries. Evidently businesses are competitive. And they invest.”

What does the sector need? Are the incentives enough?

«They are necessary, also for the components. Then of course we need the economy to restart, the slowdown in inflation to continue and interest rates to fall. Electric cars are expensive: incentives and models like the Panda are two equally decisive levers. If 12 million Italians have an old or polluting car, it is clear that there is a need for small vehicles. Not everyone can afford to spend certain amounts.”

What else do you expect from the government for the automotive sector?

«I believe there is little point in multiplying tables at the ministry, each dedicated to a single production site. There is a need for a direct comparison between the “heavyweights”: Meloni, Urso, Elkann and Tavares. We all agree that the automotive sector is essential. Well, let’s design an overall strategy together and then march decisively.”

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What do you expect from Stellantis instead?

«Which confirms, in addition to the projects on the circular economy, that the technical and process management will remain in Mirafiori: factories move quickly anywhere in the world, but not the head of a group. But here a production of 200 thousand vehicles per year must be guaranteed. For a group that produces 6.5 million it is feasible. The case of Iveco’s reshoring demonstrates that the area is capable and competitive.”

How do you imagine Mirafiori in ten years?

«We all know that it can no longer be a 3 million square meter Mirafiori. But I hope that it is increasingly an open place, which thinks for the whole group, which dialogues with the related industries. We need clarity on how to stay close to the 200,000 vehicle annual mark.”

On the 12th there will be a demonstration called by the unions in Turin. Some entrepreneurs and institutional leaders will participate.

«It is a legitimate trade union initiative, sometimes it can be useful. If the representatives of the institutions go to the streets, I imagine they do so to highlight the importance of the issue and I agree with this. I hope we look forward and not backwards, that is, we approach ourselves in a constructive way and don’t slip away just to express a certain discontent. We will not be in the streets for a trade union initiative, which we also respect: companies must think about investing and growing. As the city is doing, for example, with projects on aerospace, health parks and artificial intelligence.”

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