Home Ā» AUSL Modena – Cau, the two new assistance and emergency centers inaugurated in Carpi and Modena

AUSL Modena – Cau, the two new assistance and emergency centers inaugurated in Carpi and Modena

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AUSL Modena – Cau, the two new assistance and emergency centers inaugurated in Carpi and Modena

The two will come into operation from tomorrow morning at 8am Cau, Assistance and emergency centres, Modena and Carpi inaugurated this morning in the presence of the President of the Region Stefano Bonaccinithe regional councilor for health policies Raffaele Doninitwo city mayors, Gian Carlo Muzzarelli and Alberto Bellellithe General Directors of the Modena Local Health Authority and the University Hospital, respectively Anna Maria Petrini and Claudio The wagonthe Director of the Modena Health District Andrea SpanĆ² and the Director of the Carpi Health District Stefania Ascari.

After the activation of the Cau in Castelfranco Emilia, Finale Emilia and Fanano (between last December and January), with the activation of the Cau in Modena and Carpi, the number of assistance and emergency centres, the structures introduced by the Region, rise to five in the province of Modena Emilia-Romagna to treat urgent but not serious health problems with mild symptoms.

(In the photo the ribbon cutting at the Cau in Modena)

Il Cau of Modena is located in the area of Polyclinic on the ground floor of the building with entrance number 31 (next to the infectious diseases area but with a separate entrance). You can access it from via del Pozzo and continue by car to the car parks in front. The internal spaces have been completely renovated and modernized, the citizen finds a waiting room, the check-in desk and three clinics for visits. The facility is open 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm. In the following hours until 8am the service for urgent cases continues through the clinic Continuity of care (formerly Medical Guard)by calling the single number of 800 032032which is answered by a doctor who assesses the need and provides the most appropriate response.

Il Cau di Carpi it is located on the ground floor of the Ramazzini Hospital, in renovated rooms which are located next to the hospital pharmacy. Access is from the main entrance on via Molinariit is necessary to take a number relating to the Cau from the totem located near the reception and follow the path indicated by the signs on the floor.
In the spaces dedicated to the Assistance and Emergency Center there is a waiting room and three clinics for visits and observation of patients. The Cau di Carpi is open 7 days a week from 8am to midnight, from midnight to 8am you can contact the single Continuity of Care number 800 032032.

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(In the photo the Cau of Carpi)

It is important to remember that during daytime hours it is always advisable to contact your office general practitioner, pediatrician of free choice (or the group medicine doctors of the reference association) who, knowing the patientā€™s clinical history, will be able to evaluate, if necessary, the referral to the Cau.

In the Cau, thanks to primary care doctors and nurses, people with urgent but not serious health problems are assisted, such as, for example, mild trauma, superficial wounds, nausea or vomiting, joint pain. The complete list of symptoms and pathologies is published on the Modena Local Health Authority website (https://www.ausl.mo.it/centro-assistenza-e-urgenza-cau) and on the Region website on the page https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it/emergenzaurgenza/domande-frequenti.

(In the photo the regional councilor for health policies Raffaele Donini at the Cau of Modena)

The Cau doctor takes care of the patient and subjects him to a medical examination and any basic instrumental tests using the equipment present in the Assistance and Emergency Centre. If necessary, the doctor can make use of pathways and consultations at the hospital reference (for example for radiology, remote reporting and specialist visits) or, having assessed the case, send the patient to local specialist services in the following days.

From activation to today, the three Caus in the province of Modena have received overall assistance over 6,200 people with an average of 59 daily accesses and an overall waiting time less than 30 minutes.

From the data that emerge from satisfaction questionnaires subjected to the people in the Cau after the assistance received, a very positive general opinion emerges. In the three facilities (Castelfranco, Finale Emilia and Fanano) a total of 222 satisfaction questionnaires were administered: for the 97% of those interviewed the assistance they received was very positive or positive.


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ā€œThe CAU reform is proving to be the appropriate response to citizensā€™ needs. That is, on the one hand, offering timely assistance for low-complexity problems or disorders, and on the other, lightening the load in emergency rooms, which can focus exclusively on the most serious cases ā€“ declare the president of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccini and the regional councilor for health policies Raffaele Donini ā€“ This is exactly the objective we had set ourselves and from the data of the staff who work there as well as from the feedback from the patients who access it, we can say that the return is very positive. Today we are inaugurating two very important structures, serving the most populous municipalities in this province and which will bring an enormous benefit to the quality of the regional health service. Confirming the Regionā€™s willingness to invest in public health, in contrast with the Government which continues to cut resources and putting at risk what is a model of public health throughout Europeā€.

ā€œWith the Cau of Modena and Carpi, the number of assistance and emergency centers that we have opened in 4 months has risen to five, in line with the Emergency-Urgency reform desired by the Emilia-Romagna Region ā€“ underlines the General Director of the Modena Local Health Authority Anna Maria Petrini ā€“ our Caus are located in strategic areas of the province (Castelfranco, Finale Emilia, Fanano and now Modena and Carpi) precisely to offer all citizens a health reference point where they can go for urgent but not serious health problems, without having to go to the emergency room of a hospital. In the first four months of activity, the data relating to the satisfaction questionnaires tell us that the structures effectively respond to urgent needs and citizens give a largely positive opinion of the service received. We continue with the opening of new Cau and constantly monitor the progress of the work together with healthcare professionals, doctors and nurses, who provide a very important service to the populationā€.

ā€œThe number of accesses within the two emergency rooms (over 300,000 in 2023) requires a structure that can reduce expectations and at the same time lighten the load of the existing emergency-urgency structures, as well as guaranteeing collaboration between operators of the territorial area and hospital operators and from this synergy the Cau Modena was bornā€ specified the General Director of the AOU of Modena, Claudio Vagnini.

ā€œCon i Cau ā€“ underlines the mayor of Modena Gian Carlo Muzzarelli ā€“ improves healthcare for citizens. Urgent, but not serious, health problems can be responded to appropriately and quickly. And at the same time the pressure on the emergency room service is reduced so as to optimize its functionalityā€

ā€œRegarding the opening of the Assistance and Emergency Center (Cau) in Carpi, I can only welcome the initiative ā€“ underlines the mayor of Carpi Alberto Bellelli ā€“ The Cau will contribute greatly to alleviating the burden on the Emergency Department once fully operational, as has been demonstrated where they are already present. Because it is clear that the Caus are improving healthcare, guaranteeing faster waiting times and more appropriate servicesā€.

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