Home » ROYALS. Bells and whistles in Monaco and Countess Eloise of Orange leaves the Netherlands behind

ROYALS. Bells and whistles in Monaco and Countess Eloise of Orange leaves the Netherlands behind

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What do going abroad, Easter-themed snapshots and a newly restored palace have in common? These are all posts from the royal Instagram profiles that deserve the necessary attention this week. Watch with us!

Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Princess Madeleine of Sweden and her family wished everyone a happy Easter.

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Countess Eloise of Orange prepared this week for her departure to New York, where she will do an internship for six months. And there was a lot involved.

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NATO was founded 75 years ago, a historic event that King Willem-Alexander does not let go unnoticed.

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Queen Mathilde then visited the Hotel School Ghent, with which the royal palace has been collaborating for a long time.

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The east wing of Buckingham Palace has been renovated. From this summer, the public can visit the site and see the grandeur of the palace with their own eyes.

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In Monaco, all the bells and whistles were brought out for the Képis Blancs ceremony, which was also attended by Prince Albert.

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Camille Van Puymbroeck

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