Home » New EU rules for more transparent political advertising come into force

New EU rules for more transparent political advertising come into force

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New EU rules for more transparent political advertising come into force

According to the new, political advertising must EU regulation must therefore be clearly marked as such and contain, among other things, information about who paid how much for it, which election, referendum or regulatory process it is linked to and whether techniques for targeted advertising were used.

In addition, political targeting and advertising techniques may be made available solely on the basis of personal data collected from the data subject, but only if the person has consented to this. The use of sensitive personal data, however, is completely prohibited. This is intended to limit the improper use of personal data aimed at manipulating voters.

Online political advertising should also be stored in an appropriate online directory. In addition, the sponsorship of advertising by actors outside the EU will be banned in the three months before the elections. “The new law makes political advertising more transparent, so it will be easier for voters to identify paid content and find out who paid for it and how the advertising was targeted,” explained Věra Jourová, Vice President for Values ​​and Transparency.

Editorial team beck-aktuell, gk, April 10, 2024.

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Mehlhorn, Transparency and Targeting – The EU’s plans to regulate political advertising, NVwZ 2023, 1388

Paganella/Setz, Learning from Brazil? How data protection law can be used to counter electoral influence through disinformation, ZD-Aktuell 2022, 01322

EU Commission: Protection against election influence, MMR-Aktuell 2019, 415703

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