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Grave Pilgrimage Prayer and 7 Etiquette That Must Be Observed

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Grave Pilgrimage Prayer and 7 Etiquette That Must Be Observed

Grave pilgrimage prayer and manners (MI/Susanto)

Pilgrimage to graves is a common practice practiced by Muslims, especially before the holy month of Ramadan and before Eid al-Fitr. This moment of visiting the grave is in accordance with the recommendation of the Prophet SAW to remind Muslims of death and the afterlife.

When visiting graves, it is important to understand that this must be done by avoiding all forms of shirk or associating partners with Allah SWT. The main purpose of visiting graves is to pray for people who have died, not to ask for something or ask for help.

As a practice that is considered sacred in Islam, the ulama have established several procedures and prayers that are recommended when visiting graves. Below are several prayers that can be read, as well as etiquette that needs to be observed when visiting graves.

Also read: Grave Pilgrimage Prayer for All Descendants of Prophet Adam

The prayer that is read when visiting the grave is as follows:

Peace be upon you, people of the land, both believers and Muslims, and we, God willing, will be with you for those who follow. I ask God for good health for us and for you.

Meaning: “May salvation be upon you, O inhabitants of the graves, from (groups of) believers and Muslims. We, God willing, will follow you, I ask for safety for us and you.”

This prayer was taught by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, to the companions when they were about to visit the grave. This hadith was narrated by Sulaiman bin Buraidah, from his father. (HR. Muslim, no. 975)

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Adab during Grave Pilgrimage

Grave pilgrimage is an action that is considered important in Islamic teachings, where every step is carried out with full respect and piety. Here are some etiquette that you need to pay attention to when visiting graves:

1. Greeting:

Before entering the tomb area, start by saying hello as a sign of respect to the inhabitants of the tomb. One greeting that can be used is:

Peace be upon you, the abode of a believing people, and what you expect has come to you tomorrow, hastened, and, God willing, we will follow you.

“Assalamu’alaîkum is good for the believers and for those who do not pray for the mu’ajjalun, and for the insya-Allahu there is nothing.”

Also read: Benefits of Visiting Graves, Praying, Sending Al-Fatihah for Grave Members

2. Reading Istighfar:

After greeting, reciting istighfar seven times is a recommended practice. By asking Allah SWT for forgiveness, we hope to be a safe person in this world and in the hereafter.

3. Reading Surah Al-Fatihah:

After istighfar, reciting Surat Al-Fatihah for the deceased is a good action. This letter is said as a prayer for the deceased.

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

1. By mentioning the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful.

Also read: During the Grave Pilgrimage, This is the Impact of Reading Alfatihah for the Dead

Thanks be to God, Lord of all worlds

2. All praise be to God, Lord of the universe.

Most Merciful

3. The Most Merciful, Most Merciful.

Owner of the Day of Judgment

4. Owner of the day of vengeance.

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Beware of worship and Thine aid we seek

5. You alone we worship. And only to You we ask for help.

Show us the straight path

6. Show us the straight path.

Way, who bestowed on them is not wrath, and who lost

7. This is the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favors, not the path of those against whom there is wrath nor the path of those who have gone astray.

4. Reading Surat Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas:

Furthermore, reading short suras such as Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas is also recommended. These letters bring blessings and protection to those who read them.

The chair verse is a verse that is full of privileges. Reading it when visiting graves is a recommended action, because this verse speaks about the oneness of Allah SWT and His absolute power.

Chair verse reading

Allah, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is there who can intercede with Him? Except by His permission. He knows what is before them and what is behind them. And they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth. And their preservation will not tire Him. He is the Most High, the Great.

Allahu Lā ilāha illā Huwa Al-Ḥayyu Al-Qayyūmu Lā Ta’khudhuhu Sinatun Wa Lā Nawmun Lahu Mā Fī As-Samāwāti Wa Mā Fī Al-‘Arḍi Man dhaā Al-Ladhī Yashfa’u Indahu ‘Illā Bi’idhnihi Yalamu Mā Bayna ‘ Aydīhim Wa Mā Khalfahum Wa Lā Yuḥīṭūna Bishay’in Min Ilmihi ‘Illā Bimā Shā’a Wa Sia Kursīyuhu As-Samāwāti Wa Al-‘Arḍa Wa Lā Ya’ūduhu Ḥifẓuhumā Wa Huwa Al-Alīyu Al-Aẓīmu

Meaning: Allah, there is no God (who deserves to be worshiped) but Him; who lives forever, continues to manage (His creatures). Not drowsy and sleepless; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on the earth. Who can intercede with God without His permission? God knows what is before them and what is behind them; and they do not know anything from God’s knowledge except what He wills. God’s seat covers the heavens and the earth. And God does not find it difficult to preserve both of them; and He is High and Great.

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Tahlil or monotheism sentences also need to be read when visiting graves. This sentence expresses our faith in Allah SWT.

7. Reading the Funeral Prayer:

The grave visit is closed by reciting the funeral prayer. This prayer contains a request for forgiveness and mercy from Allah SWT for the deceased.

By paying attention to these manners, we can visit graves with full service and piety, as well as pay respect to the inhabitants of the graves in the right way. (Z-10)

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