Home » The party for the end of Ramadan, in photos

The party for the end of Ramadan, in photos

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The party for the end of Ramadan, in photos

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Tuesday 9 April was the last day of Ramadan, the sacred month for Muslims during which fasting is practiced from dawn to dusk: its end is celebrated the next day, today, 10 April, with Eid al-Fitr (Eid in Arabic means “feast” and Fitr, “end of fasting”), one of the two most important holidays in the Islamic religion.

For the occasion, thousands of Muslims around the world gather for prayers and celebrations that last two or three days, even if they do not begin at the same time in all countries, due to the time difference: the month of Ramadan ends in fact at the moment in which the new moon appears. During these days special morning prayers are held, people greet each other with the expression “Eid Mubarak”, which means “happy holiday”, and they have the habit of celebrating together with family and friends and exchanging gifts. In countries with many Muslim inhabitants it is considered a national holiday in which schools and many workplaces close.

– Read also: Fasting from social media during Ramadan

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