Home » Ingvild Kjerkol, Master’s degree | Media: Ingvild Kjerkol convicted of cheating

Ingvild Kjerkol, Master’s degree | Media: Ingvild Kjerkol convicted of cheating

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Ingvild Kjerkol, Master’s degree |  Media: Ingvild Kjerkol convicted of cheating

On Wednesday, the complaints committee met at Nord University to deal with the plagiarism complaint against the master’s thesis of Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap).

Both TV 2 and NRK learns that the tribunal has unanimously decided that Kjerkol cheated in his master’s thesis from 2021 and deprives the Minister of Health of his master’s degree in health management. This information has not yet been confirmed by the tribunal.

According to NRK, the tribunal’s conclusion on the task must be described as thorough and clear.

According to NRK, she will not be banned from the university.

The assignment is characterized by far more serious errors than sloppiness, it is about plagiarism, according to NRK’s ​​information.

Kjerkol will meet the press later on Thursday, but the Ministry of Health informs Nettavisen that they do not know when the press conference will take place.

– I cannot comment on leaks in the media, says Kjerkol to the press corps in the walking hall in the Storting.

Kjerkol’s lawyer: – Didn’t get the justification

Nettavisen spoke to board chairman Eilif Nordahl at 12 o’clock Thursday afternoon. Nordahl, who refers to the duty of confidentiality, will not comment on the unconfirmed reports in the media that Kjerkol’s master’s thesis will be rejected by the Board for Student Affairs at Nord University.

Nor will he say when the decision will be made public.

Read also: Control did not show 19 percent plagiarism in Kjerkol’s master’s thesis

Kjerkol’s lawyer Marianne Klausen tells VG that they have not received the decision itself, nor the reasons for the decision.

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– I have asked the appeal board at Nord University to forward the decision as soon as possible. I can therefore not comment on the matter until my clients and I have thoroughly familiarized ourselves with the decision, she adds VG.

– I have no knowledge, said Jonas Gahr Støre when he met the press this morning.

Kjerkol herself has said that she will share the decision with the public.

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The much-discussed master’s thesis was reviewed in 2021 by the program Ouriginal, which showed 19 percent text similarity – something that must not be confused with plagiarism.

It is highly uncertain whether Kjerkol, who is responsible for four billion kroner in research in the health sector, will be allowed to continue in his job as health minister.

Election analyst Svein Tore Marthinsen thinks she is finished.

“I find it difficult to imagine that she can stay put if they fail the assignment, and thus establish that she has actually cheated to some extent,” he says to the newspaper Chrono.

Oline Sæther, head of the Norwegian Student Organization, tells Nettavisen that Norwegian students do not think Kjerkol’s handling of the case is particularly trust-inspiring.

– In similar situations like this, many students would have been banned. It is right and reasonable that Kjerkol has consequences in this case, says Sæther.

Leader of the researchers’ association, Guro Elisabeth Lind, says TV 2 that the tribunal’s decision will make it difficult for Kjerkol to have confidence as a minister.

– As Minister of Health, Kjerkol has a major responsibility for research. It is difficult to imagine that she now has the trust that she depends on to continue as minister, says Lind to TV 2.

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Stavrum disagrees

On Thursday morning, Nettavisen’s editor-in-chief Gunnar Stavrum wrote that he does not think Kjerkol’s position is in danger if the master’s degree is rejected.

“Ingvild Kjerkol’s master’s degree has had nothing to do with her political career, and an unrecognized master’s degree in knowledge management has very little relevance for her position as health minister.”

He points in particular to two clear differences between Kjerkol and Sandra Borch’s two cases.

“There are two major differences between the cases of Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol and former Research and Education Minister Sandra Borch:

  • Sandra Borch has had academic weight as a lawyer for a number of years, and the professional training has undoubtedly been useful in her career.
  • But more importantly: As Minister of Research and Education, Sandra Borch ran a tough line against students who were caught cheating and plagiarizing.”

Listhaug: – Støre should consider

FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug that Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre should take a tour of Kjerkol.

– With the reservation that this will be the final decision in the case Ingvild KjerkolStøre should consider whether he has confidence in her as the country’s minister of health and care, says Listhaug.

– What makes this case serious and very special is that the cheating happened then Ingvild Kjerkol sat as a health politician in the Storting in 2021, and which dealt with a topic Kjerkol later became a minister on, she says.

Krf’s party leader, Olaug Bollestad, also reacts to the information that is now learned by several media.

– We must be able to expect that a minister does not lie about his education, says Bollestad.

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And continues:

-Ultimately, it is up to Støre whether he has confidence in his ministers. It is exactly a year since I recommended that he replace Kjerkol because I believe she has not delivered well enough as Minister of Health. If what is now coming to light is correct, I believe that the cup is long overdue.

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