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Wages in construction – Almost half of construction workers have not received a wage increase – News

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Wages in construction – Almost half of construction workers have not received a wage increase – News

Almost half of construction workers in Switzerland will not receive a wage increase in 2024. Their real wages have fallen by over two percent, as the current wage survey by the Unia and Syna unions shows. The construction workers are therefore “disappointed and angry,” said representatives of the two unions, according to the statement.

According to representatives of the two unions, the construction industry is one of the few sectors that did not grant its employees a general wage increase last year.

While the order books are full and sales are at record levels, the shortage of skilled workers is “more acute than in almost any other industry”. Every second trained bricklayer leaves the industry just a few years after completing their apprenticeship. The reasons are long working days, increasing pressure and falling purchasing power.

Legend: According to a survey by the Unia and Syna trade unions, almost half of construction workers in Switzerland will not have received a wage increase in 2024. Keystone/GEORGIOS KEFALAS

The unions are therefore calling for a significant increase in real wages for autumn 2024. This must be higher than inflation and also take into account the wage arrears of recent years. The union members will determine the exact demand in June when a consolidated inflation forecast for the current year is available.

The Swiss Association of Master Builders referred to its own wage survey, which it is conducting until April 21st. This is intended to show that there were wage increases, as the association announced. In real terms, construction activity fell by 0.9 percent in 2023. Fewer orders are expected in 2024.

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The construction industry pays the highest minimum wages for craftsmen and the effective wages of all construction workers were increased by 150 francs per month at the beginning of 2023, the association further replied to the unions. In 2024, individual wage increases would have been the focus.

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