Home » Energy Minister rules out blackouts for the moment

Energy Minister rules out blackouts for the moment

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Energy Minister rules out blackouts for the moment

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Minister of Energy, Andrea Arrobo rules out blackouts for the moment. The latest power outages recorded in several provinces have revived the ghost of blackouts.

During the last quarter of 2023, Ecuador suffered a period of blackouts due to low water in the southern zone. In that area are located the hydroelectric that generate energy distributed throughout the country.

The Minister of Energy, Andrea Arrobo, came forward with these comments and ruled out that the country returns to scheduled blackouts.

“Blackouts as such are ruled out, but it is important to understand the situation we have,” Arrobo said.

The Minister recognized that the low energy generation of the hydroelectric Coca Codo Sinclair generates ‘unavailability’ in the national electrical system, but the plant continues to contribute more than 24% of the energy demand in Ecuador.

Arrobo also explained that the water reservoirs in the hydroelectric plants are at minimum levels, and at the moment, the Minister assured.

“The reservoirs are at a low level, and we are managing all the installed power we have to be able to balance the electrical system,” Arrobo added.

In addition, he indicated that he talks daily with the Colombian authorities to guarantee the import of energy from the neighboring country, which faces its own extreme drought and which has even caused water rationing in Bogotá.

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