Home » Barbara Blaha should move into the National Council for the SPÖ

Barbara Blaha should move into the National Council for the SPÖ

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Barbara Blaha should move into the National Council for the SPÖ

One of the most exciting undertakings: According to KURIER research, Babler wants the former ÖH boss and chairwoman of the SPÖ students, Barbara Blahaget her into a central position, i.e. she should be put on the federal list in an electable place.

This is a risk in that it creates several problems: Blaha is publicly chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer criticized and even resigned from the Social Democrats in 2007 in protest – their argument at the time was that a federal government led by the SPÖ could not stick to tuition fees.


This public disloyalty is still held against Blaha in parts of the party to this day.

Blaha currently heads the “Momentum” think tank. And this is also one of the main reasons why Blaha is gambling: the think tank, as the SPÖ says, stands with her. If Blaha returns to the party, the Momentum Institute would be damaged. The trained Germanist may not have to do anything formally. Joining the Babler team is not a prerequisite for candidacy.

Another “problem”: The number of eligible places on the federal list is manageable and there are some constraints: According to internal practice, the male/female sequence must be adhered to. After Babler comes a woman, specifically the second President of the National Council Doris Bures be. Also “set” in the internal party logic are the head of the red trade unionists FSG, Beppo MuchitschBabler’s confidant Julia Herr, Klubchef Philip Kucher as well as the head of the SPÖ women Eva Maria Holzleitner.

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It is said on Löwelstrasse that Babler would also like to have the head of the production union PROGE, Reinhold “Reini” Binder, prominently featured on the list. The two party managers are unlikely to be eligible for a mandate via the federal list Sandra Breiteneder and Klaus Seltenheim. They should run for office in the federal government, but rather further back. And LGBTIQ speakers don’t have a particularly good chance when it comes to a fixed mandate via the federal list Mario Lindner and former Secretary of State We are in Duzdar.

Officially, Babler and his office only say one thing about all this: the list must be ready by April 26th and they are not taking part in speculation in the media.

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