Home » Petro made an urgent call to Congress to save the health reform

Petro made an urgent call to Congress to save the health reform

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Petro made an urgent call to Congress to save the health reform

During the launch of basic equipment and an open town hall in Cartagena, President Gustavo Petro made a strong call to the Congress of the Republic to save the health reform that is under discussion this Monday.

In his speech, the head of state highlighted the importance of this reform for the well-being of the Colombian population.

“What a preventive system does is make the health system cheaper, because prevention is cheaper than cure, my grandmother said,” said President Petro, emphasizing the need for a preventive approach in the health system.

During the event, the president made a direct call to the congressmen present, urging them to work for the approval of the reform. “I ask the congressmen here present that on Monday they try to save the health reform, because it means saving the people,” the president emphasized.

The president also took the opportunity to reflect on the role of Congress and its relationship with the population. “The Congress of the Republic can be reconciled with the population,” he stated, underscoring the importance of institutional legitimacy and popular support.

Petro recalled his years of experience in Congress and criticized the lack of attention to the needs of the people. “Congress has not looked at the needs of the people for decades,” he said, highlighting the importance of legislating for the benefit of all citizens, not just the powerful.

Finally, President Petro urged Congress to open its doors to the Colombian people and work for a significant transformation in the health system. “I hope that Congress opens its doors to the poor; I hope that Congress opens its doors to the old man; I hope that Congress opens its doors to Colombia so that we can make the great transformation that this country needs,” he concluded.

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President Petro’s call resonates in the midst of a crucial debate about the future of health in Colombia, and his message reinforces the importance of prioritizing well-being and prevention in the country’s health system.

There is a possibility of saving the health reform

Despite the recent negative vote on the health reform project in Commission VII of the Senate, President Petro’s Government still hopes to move forward with this initiative. An objection presented by the Historical Pact opened a window of opportunity for its review in the Legislature.

Next week, the objection presented is expected to be discussed in Congress, which could reactivate the debate on health reform. The president of the Senate, Iván Name, announced the formation of an accidental commission made up of the presidents of the seven constitutional commissions, who will have the task of studying the appeal and presenting their recommendations within a period of eight days.

“The accidental commission will be made up of the presidents of the seven constitutional commissions and they have a period of eight days to present their recommendation,” said Name.

This measure demonstrates the interest of the Government and Congress in seeking alternatives to save the health reform, which has been the subject of intense debates and controversies in recent months.

The objection presented by the Historical Pact represents an opportunity to reevaluate and adjust the reform project, with the aim of achieving consensus and moving towards a more equitable and efficient health system for all Colombians.

The debate on the future of health reform continues in the legislative sphere, and it is expected that in the coming days key decisions will be made that will define the direction of this important initiative for the country. With Infobae

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