Home » The street cleaner has arrived” and “DifferenziAMO Casalecchio” — Environment

The street cleaner has arrived” and “DifferenziAMO Casalecchio” — Environment

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The street cleaner has arrived” and “DifferenziAMO Casalecchio” — Environment

The neighborhood street cleaner helps keep the city clean. Let’s keep it beautiful together!“. This is the slogan that stands out on the vehicles that clean the city, emptying street bins – which are being replaced with models equipped with lids and a smaller disposal mouth – and recovering waste from the streets.

A phrase which is also an appeal addressed to citizens, for the most part very attentive to separate waste collection, so that everyone does their part to separate waste in the right way and maintain the decorum of the city by avoiding incorrect behaviour.

A campaign created in collaboration between the Municipality of Casalecchio di Reno (BO) and Hera Spa, Coop Ecobi and Coop. Copaps, which is accompanied by awareness-raising actions among condominiums, in particular those that have presented critical aspects over time.

WE differentiate Casalecchio” is in fact the phrase reported on the flyers that will be posted at the entrances of the condominiums with the indication of some simple but important behaviors to follow:

– Separate your waste and always respect exposure days and times.

– For organic and undifferentiated waste, use the containers provided by the Municipality. Do not place bags on the ground.

– After emptying, collect the containers inside private property.

Monitoring and enforcement activities are also very important control over abandoned waste which the municipal administration carries out thanks to the collaboration of the GEV (Volunteer Ecological Guards) and the Local Police.

“After 11 years from the introduction of the Door to Door collection method, with a turnover of many families in our area”, underlines the councilor for Environmental and Territorial Quality Barbara Negroni“we are introducing some new interventions that look at the decorum that Casalecchio deserves and which could also be an incentive to that minority that has not yet fully understood the importance not only of separate waste collection but above all of the lower production of waste, achieving a recovery to 100% of the same.

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And here are the first interventions.

We are completely replacing the street bins and in the next few months we will complete the intervention with two different types of containers based on a census carried out to understand which type and quantity of bins to install in the various areas of the city.

For years we have also had the “neighborhood street cleaner” service, increased by two units since the beginning of the year who work in the city even on public holidays, now more “visible” thanks to the new branding of the vehicles.

In these days we will also have the support of a team that will provide information for citizens, condominium by condominium, on how to expose domestic waste”.

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