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Tom Brady does not rule out returning to the NFL

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Tom Brady does not rule out returning to the NFL

Tom Brady, considered the best player in NFL history, stated that He wouldn’t rule out the possibility of returning to the first line if the Patriots or Raiders had an emergency late in the season due to losing their quarterback.

“Patriots, Raiders, you never know, but I wouldn’t be opposed (to returning). I will always be in good shape and if I can pass the ball, I wouldn’t object. Then he could come back, it would be like if Michael Jordan came back,” said the top Super Bowl winner.

Brady, 46, announced his retirement from the NFL on February 1, 2023, after a 23-year career, 20 of which he spent in New England and three in Tampa Bay.

Since before last season, it was speculated that Brady could return to the NFL to play with the San Francisco 49ers, the team he was a fan of in his childhood, or with the Las Vegas Raiders, something that ultimately did not happen.

The possibility posed by the 15-time Pro Bowl selection It would have to go through approval from the NFL, after its acceptance as a minority owner of the black and silver is pending..

“I don’t know if they would let me do it if I became the owner of an NFL team, I don’t know, but what I can say right now is that if it happened maybe I wouldn’t be opposed to going back,” said the future member of the Hall of Fame. Fame.

Last March Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL, assured that the process for Brady to become a partner of the Raiders is on the right track.

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