Home » Brazil: Porto do Açu project for reuse of dredged material is certified by international association

Brazil: Porto do Açu project for reuse of dredged material is certified by international association

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Brazil: Porto do Açu project for reuse of dredged material is certified by international association

By Redacción PortalPortuario


The project Management of Port Navigation Channels and Reuse of Dredged Material in Açu Port was certified in the category Supporter of Working with Nature by International Association of Water Transport Infrastructure (Pianc)which brings together specialists in coastal and port works from various countries around the world.

The certification would make it possible to demonstrate the efficiency of the research, development and innovation project in Porto do Açu that began approximately two years ago with the participation of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the North Fluminense State University (UENF), the startup Argonautica and the company Microars.

According to Juliane Carneiro, innovation coordinator of Porto do Açuthe research, development and innovation ecosystem Cais Açu Lab It helps enable the connection network for the viability of the project and positions Açu as a promoter of international best practice initiatives to promote and support environmentally friendly navigation operational infrastructure projects.

“The objective was to study the characteristics of the material removed from the bottom during the dredging process, understand the environment in which it is located and better manage this material and the work necessary for the ports. The project also aimed to investigate efficient and environmentally favorable possibilities for sludge, a common sediment in water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ports and canals,” Carneiro explained.

Studies were carried out ranging from navigability in fluid muds, support for the development of a dynamic draft tool to circular economy projects. Regarding the latter, the removed material went through a series of tests until resulting in the manufacture of interlocking blocks, mortars and interlocking studies that can be used in civil construction.

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The navigability project in fluid sludge was also presented and selected by the call for Innovative Company of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ), whose financial contribution exclusively covers research scholarships. Currently, there are 12 active scholarships with selected researchers in the North Fluminense region.

“We already have mortar tests, the prototype of the interlocking block is ready and we are testing the execution of the interlocking block. Now we will take the next steps to advance the research, development and innovation project,” concluded Juliane Carneiro.

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