Home » League 1 Results – Detained by Barito Putera, RANS Nusantara FC 15 times without winning and still having to fight against the trap of relegation

League 1 Results – Detained by Barito Putera, RANS Nusantara FC 15 times without winning and still having to fight against the trap of relegation

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League 1 Results – Detained by Barito Putera, RANS Nusantara FC 15 times without winning and still having to fight against the trap of relegation


Barito Putera defender Renan Alves celebrates after breaking through the RANS Nusantara FC goal in the match week 31 of League 1 at the Sultan Agung Stadium, Bantul on Wednesday (17/4/2024).

BOLASPORT.COM – RANS Nusantara FC was held to a draw by Barito Putera with a score of 1-1 at the Sultan Agung Bantul Stadium, on Wednesday (17/4/2024).

The duel between the teams that failed to win in the last week, RANS Nusantara Fc Vs Barito Putera, was presented at the Sultan Agung Stadium, Bantul on Wednesday night WIB.

For RANS, this match is very crucial in preventing them from relegation.

Meanwhile, Barito Putera is in 10th place, still trying his luck in entering the championship play-offs.

In this match, RANS was without player-manager Hamka Hamzah.

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He only played for 57 minutes when The Prestige Phoenix lost 0-2 to Persis Solo before Eid.

The 40 year old player was actually seen on the bench, perhaps returning to his duties as manager.

From the guests’ side, they relied on the trio of Gustavo Tocantins, Bagus Kahfi and Eksel Runtukahu.

Both teams started the match by being careful in building attacks for at least the first 10 minutes.




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