Home » Wisteria on the balcony: Plant, care for and overwinter

Wisteria on the balcony: Plant, care for and overwinter

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Like the laburnum, the wisteria is one of the most beautiful and popular climbing plants that often decorate house walls, pergolas or other climbing aids in the garden. But what does the bucket actually look like? Can wisteria thrive in a pot on the balcony?

Foto: Daejeong Kim/ Pexels


Yes, it is actually possible as long as you provide the plant with what it needs. Only with the right care will it be able to successfully decorate your balcony in a pot.

Choose the right variety

Foto: Zack Brown/ Shutterstock

Not every wisteria variety can thrive in container conditions. It is not without reason that there are dwarf varieties bred for many plants. This is no different with this actually quite lush climbing plant. It is best to choose:

Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) – Blooms in purple before the leaves emerge; very hardy Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) – Blooms in June, with long flower shoots, giving you a choice of colors; very hardy

Wisteria on the balcony – Prepare the pot

Now that you have chosen your copy, you should also get a few things before you really get started.

Notice: Wisteria is poisonous, although it is worth mentioning the plant sap when cutting, which can come into contact with the skin if you do not protect yourself with gloves.

The right bucket

In order for wisteria to thrive on the balcony, the right variety needs enough space. Therefore the pot size is very important. In general, this should be around 30 liters, but that’s really just the minimum if you don’t have the space for more. Otherwise, you should even aim for an impressive 200 liters. In the latter case, you should also choose a height of 40 cm, i.e. not a container that is too shallow.

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It’s not just the space that’s the background here. Remember that the plant will grow very tall over time and therefore needs a stable base, especially when it is windy. And this stability can only be offered by a bucket that, together with the potting soil, has sufficient weight.

30 to 200 liters 40 cm height Photo: Eug Png/ Shutterstock

The right soil for wisteria on the balcony

Buy quality soil. It’s best to find out from the store whether the soil is suitable for the beautiful plant. The general rule for wisteria on the balcony is:

The potting soil must be permeable. So avoid loamy, heavy soils that retain water, as well as poor quality soils that become too hard when they dry out. Sufficient nutrients are very important for the plant. So get nutrient-rich soil.

Waterlogging is fatal for the climbing plant

If the roots are constantly wet, they will eventually rot. For this reason, we recommend adding a drainage layer before planting soil and plants. If the drainage holes have not already been pre-drilled, do so now. Distribute the drainage through these holes. Pottery shards, but also gravel or expanded clay are suitable for this.

Punch a hole in the pot, distribute drainage over it, fill it partially with soil. Insert a plant. Place a climbing frame in it if you want it to stand freely and not attach it to the wall (more on this below). Fill it with soil. Press down the soil. Water thoroughly and let the water drain away

What is important for the right location

In order for the wisteria to grow like a climbing plant, it needs a climbing aid. If it is attached to the wall and is therefore no longer mobile, it is even more important to choose the right location right away. What should this look like? Wisteria likes it:

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Full sun and partial shade is possible, but at the expense of the number of flowers, a south-facing balcony protected from the wind is optimal

Attach the trellis!

Foto: Chen Liang-Dao/ Shutterstock

The last step before putting the bucket in place would be to attach the climbing aid. It is really important that it is stable in order to be able to withstand the load of the plant. Another reason why a sufficiently deep pot is so important. This is the only way to have enough depth to stabilize the scaffolding.

If you want the climbing aid to act as a privacy screen, you can also drill it directly onto the wall at the desired location (find out more if you live in a rented apartment) and guide the plants upwards over time. If it is still too small, you can also temporarily attach a small running aid.

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Caring for the balcony wisteria

As a potted plant, wisteria dries out more quickly due to wind and sun because the root ball is not protected by deep soil all around like in the garden. For this reason, you must always be careful when watering.

Water at least once a day. The exception is the rest phase in winter. When it gets hot in summer, two waterings per day are necessary because the wisteria is in the blazing sun and dries out quickly.

Fertilizer: High in phosphorus and potassium, little nitrogen for flower formation

The plant also needs fertilizer often, as it needs a lot of strength and therefore nutrients for its vigorous growth. The first fertilizer is applied in spring or when the newly purchased potted plant is planted and then every two weeks. As soon as the flowering period is over, you can stop this care measure.

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It is important to prune the plant regularly to not only maintain good shape but also to encourage flower production. The first cut is done immediately after flowering. You should then cut back the flower shoots. Leave 30 centimeters or half a meter.

Then comes the spring cut, which takes place in late winter. The buds should then already be visible so that you can use them as a guide: All plant shoots from the previous season are shortened, leaving at least three and a maximum of 5 of the buds standing.

Overwinter wisteria on the balcony

Irina Grotkjaer/ Unsplash

The good news is that you can overwinter the wisteria on the balcony and you don’t have to find a winter quarters for it. Also perfect for smaller apartments where such space is lacking. Nevertheless, the climbing plant needs a little protection.

Get some bubble wrap. Wrap them generously around the pot to protect the roots from freezing. The above-ground parts of the plant do not need any further protection. Water only moderately. It is important that the soil never dries out, otherwise the plant will die. If possible, it is advisable to place the potted plant even more sheltered from the wind. If you have chosen a permanent location for it, with a fixed trellis, it is therefore so important to plan the right location in advance, including for the winter.

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